Who is comming to the MoCal Meet and Greet this weekend (Dec 5th)

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(I trade dive reports with some friends via email and thought some of you would be interested. Here's my report for the Saturday dive.)


I met up on Saturday with friends from the Scuba Board for the December Meet-and-Greet. It was at Lover's Point, Monterey. We met in the morning at 9 am. The tide was unusually high, concealing the beach on the west side of the point. Wave faces were in the 2-4 foot range. Visibility turned out to be pretty good, ranging from 10-20 feet. Surge was noticeable and periodically added that amusement park feel, 10 feet this way, 10 feet that way. The water was a chilly 50 degrees. There was a steady breeze with clouds, so staying warm required extra effort.

There were reports of a submerged pinnacle on the cove side (east) of the point. On our first dive, we looked for a kelp float possibly indicating the pinnacle and headed for it. My dive buddy was Jane-of-the-Jungle, a biologist on the zoology side of the fence. I once was on the botany side, which is why I noted her considerable expertise as a naturalist.

We swam out to the kelp float, dropped, and found a small pile of rocks in the middle of a sand field. Having not found the pinnacle, we headed north into deeper water and spent most of the dive cruising the rocks at 30-35 feet. What struck me about this dive was not that we saw anything special, but that the mundane creatures, which we all have seen, still have an intensity and fascination underwater, as if you are seeing them in high definition, or in a dream. Or maybe narcosis was setting in shallow on this dive.

Halfway through our air, we headed back to shore along the bottom. Close to shore, the surge was enough to make you worry about hitting things. I have to say I like rising a little off the bottom and letting the surge sweep me back and forth, as if on a swing with someone pushing. At the shore, the surf was high enough to give us a chance to practice our Monastery skills crawling up the beach. I have a regulator that honks like a goose when I'm out of the water. It makes quite a spectacle crawling like a turtle, honking like a goose. A little embarassed, thinking I was far enough up the beach, I removed my regulator too early, just in time to hear a crash and flood of water all around me. It was no problem getting my regulator back in, but next time, I'll keep honking until I'm on dry sand.

My second dive was with Bogey. We entered from the stone steps on the cement pier overlooking the beach where the kayaks enter. This is a very civilized, sandless entry that I definitely recommend. We headed straight out and saw some unusual things. We saw a yellow dorid nudibranch easily twice the size of any other I've seen, like a fat banana slug with antlers. We saw 2 decorator crabs sparring. Best of all, there was a fish hugging a rock in a cleft out of the surge. All you could immediately see was this big unblinking eye staring at you. It made you jump a bit, expecting a tentacle to suddenly wrap around your neck and pull you in. This may have been the reaction the fish was hoping for.

We turned around when Bogey spotted a decline in visibility up ahead. We surfaced early to make sure we found the steps for our exit. While we were surface swimming in, a harbor seal followed us. We couldn't figure out who she had a crush on, Bogey or me, but she kept with us, staying just past the limit of our underwater visibility. I suspect there was some method to this behavior. She could see us with her better underwater vision, but we couldn't see her.

It was a very enjoyable couple of dives. Plus, the crew met up at Gianni's for pizza afterwards. I got a chance to get to know some of the Scuba Board members and place faces with logins.

Hope to dive with you soon.

Hey Steve, thanks for the report... Did you get a chance to meet the coordinator of this event, Kathy? Just curious to see if she gives a mini report... :)

Hey Steve, thanks for the report... Did you get a chance to meet the coordinator of this event, Kathy? Just curious to see if she gives a mini report... :)


Hi Mike, I'm just one of the co-coordinators :D.

It was a great day considering I didn't even sleep the night before ;). I met up with Peter C for the first time and we shared a fun carpool down. We arrived fashionably late around 9:30am - just in time to see Michelle was doing a great job as a co-coordinator :D & most people were already partially geared up. I counted a turnout of about 15-20. It was great to meet you all & to see friends again. It was very cool that Sean, my college friend, showed with his huge camera.

On the first dive Erik, Sean and I kicked out towards the rumored "pinnacle" but never saw it. We dropped down and swam around some rocks looking at little critters. Sean snapped away while Erik and I played with kicks and skills. Eventually we swam back aways 'till the swell became pretty strong & we surfaced to brave the somewhat rough exit. I think it was Mike M who rescued Sean's missing fin? Thanks! And thanks Erik for the hand up.

We all stuck around to help a few friends out of the surf, then headed back up to the parking lot to snap some group photos. Most people were understandably done with the 10ft vs and rough surge, but Peter C./Erik and I hatched a plan. At Peter's suggestion we tried our luck at BW and were rewarded by small waves and a dull 10-15 ft vis. We kicked out to the Metridium Fields - Peter did a good job of leading & navigating. We dropped down to enjoy the Metridum, sea nettles and other critters. after a while, we swam back - stopping for a little while to do some skill practice. The dive lasted 74 minutes. We showed up a little late for Gianni's pizza party. It was great to hang out with new and old friends!

From the pizza party Peter C. and I kept the M&G going when we headed back to BW and geared up for a third dive (with no sleep). Yes, about that time I felt a little crazy from caffeine overload and sleep deprivation but wasn't going to miss my 2nd local night dive ;-). Peter lugged his 50lb scooter down to the shore where the waves were still relatively calm. Met rdjiv (Rod) who was just finishing his night dive as we were heading in.

Flipping on our 21W HID lights Peter towed me out BW on his scooter, stopping to admire a very huge shrimp and a very cute little red octopus who put on a show. We dropped down to 46ft, then cruised back along the wall on the scooter. The dive lasted 62 minutes.

I was finally home washing my gear by 11pm, but Peter still had another 1+ hour drive left. It was a huge day & a fun M&G. I was so happy to crash into my pillow that night! Thanks for showing up everyone, it was nice to meet you. And thanks to those who brought the fresh brownies & cookies! Hopefully diving conditions will be bit better for the next M&G but hey, that was great company & pizza :)!
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kathy got her report done before I did, but I will post it as I wrote it. I had photos to process...they took longer?

At 5:25 am my alarm went off and I jumped out of bed like a kid on Christmas morning. After a quick breakfast off to Monterey I went. Picked Kathy up along the way, and we made it to Monterey just in time to get gear up and head into the water.

Mike M. and I buddied up and headed towards the water. No sooner did my right hand hit the water, my dryglove was leaking. After a lot of fiddling with it and completely removing and reinstalling the ring, I headed into the water, this time without a leak. Mike had already swum out and was hanging out with Robin and Kristina at the surface. We all dropped to surgy conditions and bad vis. In hopes of getting deeper and under the surge I waved by to Robin, and Mike and I scootered out towards deeper water. At times the vis dropped to a scary couple of feet. When rocks jump out in front of you quick turns are required. We got down to about 37 feet the surge lessened just a little. Vis umm opened up, if you can call it that, to about 13 feet. Once we hit turn pressure we headed back in on the same heading. When the eel grass appeared and the depth gauge read 13 feet we surface to get a bearing. Oops! Lovers 1 was close, but we needed to be at Lovers 2. Took a compass reading and dropped. After a couple of minutes on the trigger, we surface just outside the surf zone. The exit was looking a little sporting. I took my fins out well outside and went to hit the trigger on my scooter…nothing. Hit the magnet on the shroud support and off I went towards shore. Timed the waves correctly and came in with them fairly small. I did drop my knee for a second as the wave sucked me back out. Got my foot back under myself and walked out tooting my scooter.

As people were packing up we got everyone together for a quick photo opportunity. Thanks to Mike for pestering our Scubaboard hosts for the banner :)


Mike telling me what he thinks!


Few people were interested in doing a second dive at Lovers. Of course Ben showed up after most people left. Erik, Kathy, and myself headed to the Breakwater, and Ben joined us with his lunch. We geared up and headed off to the water.


I lead the dive and our plan was to head to the Metridium Fields. We surface swam out a ways, and dropped off to the side of the pipe. After kicking a little we located the pipe and swam out along it. Took a quick compass heading and made the jump. The metridiums were mostly out and there was plenty of life around to view. Surge was almost non existent. Vis was not bad, probably about 15 feet. The nettles were around enough we had to be vigilant of running into one. After we hit turn pressure we headed back in. I completely missed the pipe, and after zigging and zagging a couple times resolved to just swim for the beach. When we got to 20 feet, the drills began. Kathy and Erik are getting ready to take a Fundies class and are working on performing skills and drills in trim. They are looking pretty good. I am impressed with Erik’s diving, considering he only has 60 dives under his belt. Solid back kicks and excellent trim showed that he is a skilled diver. We surface with smiles on our faces and head to shore to stow our gear and head over to Gianni’s for some pizza.

We arrive somewhere between 4:30 pm-5:00 pm to find many people have already eaten. Everyone hangs out for a while and we get to chat about everything in life. Always fun to get to know other divers from this board.

Kathy and I head back to the Breakwater for a night dive. We suit up slowly since our bellies are full and head in. Again no sooner does my right hand hit the water, than my glove starts leaking. Grrrr…I have not had leakage problems in a long long time. Quickly resolved the issue at the surface, then we scootered out a ways before dropping. We almost landed smack on top of the biggest shrimp I have ever seen. It was at least nine inches long. Scootering out vis was pretty crappy and the rocks came up quick. My light saber pointed the way and we passed a few classes on their return journey. At a little over 40 feet, the scooter was stowed and we took a heading of 0 degrees off into the sand to look for the creatures of the night. It didn’t take long to spot a small octopus. We watched it move around for about 5 minutes before venturing on our way. After turning and heading back to the wall we ascended some and started swimming back in. Tons of sleeping rock fish to see. I was hoping to be visited by a Wolf Eel, but that never happened. We swam most of the way in, and then decided to scooter the last bit in. Vis was pretty bad close to the beach and I was having a hard time tracking the bottom contour. Keeping my light pointed down was not a good idea. Without warning I felt a sharp stinging on my upper lip. I immediately got off the trigger and took a couple of seconds to get my buoyancy correct. Since we were in less than 20 feet of water, I called the dive and headed to the surface 62 minutes after descending. There I explained to Kathy what happened. She was nice enough to clear my tank valve from the rest of the tentacles. I never even saw the nettle that I hit. Right as we hit the beach my HID died, then came back on. I am hoping it was just a dead battery after three long dives.

We packed up and headed home, with Kathy keeping me awake on the ride North. It was a fun filled day that left me exhausted. I slept in today, and got a slow start on my chores around the house. Started with washing my dive gear. I still need to figure out why my dryglove ring leaked not once but twice.

Thanks to all for being part of our Scubaboard gathering.


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it was great meeting all of you and putting names to faces. We could have done a nice series of lessons on how to surf enter and exit on Sat. I ended up on my rear end on the entry and thought it better to exit via the stairs by lovers #1 instead of trying to time waves and end up on the backside again!

We were at lobos today, but the conditions were not great. I have lots of surface shots since my housing/camera were doing some funky stuff all weekend.
yeah, this weekend was kind of a bummer diving wise. lots of stuff happening to equipment, delays, --I lost my buddies twice--found them both times, and not so great conditions. plus my camera started getting weird on me.
My weekend was filled with challenges, but I managed to take a few commemorative shots.


Mike predive


Gianni's for Pizza
Steve, John, Paula, Carrie, Michelle, Mike M.


Eric reaching for some pie.


Paula and Michelle


Kristy on Sunday
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