We did a boat dive on the summer M&G. I don't know if Aquatic will be running the same restriction but when MBDC ran the Silver Prince they had a cap of 14 divers. I'm hoping the Aquatic will have a similar price to charter the boat as that'd be a nice cheap boat to charter a group of 10 or so on.
I know this is little ahead of time, but I am going to talk to the owners at Aquatic and find out if we could get a deal on there boat and dive it 2010.
Raj and Barbara are the owners and they are just awesome people as they are divers. They are just full of life and they dive pratically every weekend.
I am sure when I mention that we on scubaboard are interested in there boat, they will come up with something cool for all of us.
I wouldn't be surprised if I run the MAG on this boat if we get the green light...

Mike G