In light of being recently made aware of my flight cancellation by tursiops(thanks again) and NOT being notified by Delta, can someone answer one question? If I rent a car at Cancun airport, can I take it on the Cozumel ferry and does anyone know how much it costs?

Schedules Transcaribe
Schedules Schedules * MIXED FREIGHT ROUTE. (BLACK FREIGHT VEHICLES AND FAMILY VEHICLES MAY TRAVEL). Subject to change without prior notice. Buy online Forget about setbacks and long lines, get your crossing tickets through our online purchase. Get your tickets

Rates - Transcaribe
Rates Vehicle Catalog Compact family vehicle Pickup family vehicle Commercial use truck Cargo vehicle Rabon and/or Small Bus Torton, Tandem and Buses Short trailer and move 40 foot box trailer 45 foot box trailer 48 foot box trailer Gas and fuel pipes 45 feet Full (Double semi trailer)...

Ruta Punta Venado Calica - Cozumel - Ultra Carga
Ruta Punta Venado, Sac-Tun (Calica) – Cozumel Horarios SUJETOS A CAMBIO SIN PREVIO AVISO. *En los horarios de Carga Negra únicamente se aceptan autos particulares con hasta 2 mayores de edad a bordo. No se admiten menores de edad, mujeres embarazadas ni mascotas en estos horarios. ORIGEN: Punta...

Yes you can take your rental car out there.
Watch the weather and get there early on the way back. Sometimes they don't run.