2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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That's awesome!! Thanks for asking him. I definitely need to get a better bike though. Have begun the process of searching for a road bike, although I find them scary :)

I was mistaken on Scott's Tri's. He did Olympic and 1/2 Iron Mans. Here's his response to me about his training.

I did 6 Olympic and 2 1/2 Ironman races last year. Next year Sept. 12th full ironman!

2009 Training Log, about 5-6 hours a week, next year 6-10 for the full ironman.
Bike: 115h 35m 59s - 1987.95 Mi
Run: 66h 22m 25s - 424.44 Mi
Swim: 28h 25m 58s - 98965.23 Yd
Sounds like fun Kathy. Were do you bike at night? I can't wait to get some lights.

Hi Sarita, No biking at night unless it's in the gym ;-).

I think you were referring to my night rides. We ride on the Bike path to keep the "safety factor" higher.... We had the trail to ourselves other than the miscellaneous animals.

But the micellaneous animal part sounds fun! :D

ballroom dancing

Sounds fun! But really I'm more of a tribal trance California free form gal than a ballroom dancer :wink:. Love dancing to drum circles for hours and hours - that's some great cardio :D! Humm, gotta get back to it one of these days soon.

Sunday 11/15 - ran my first 5k today. .

Congrats Sarita!

I sat on a van with 9 geomorphology graduate students for the entire weekend. I climbed/hiked everything I could at every chance. And ran around with the boys quite a bit tossing a football. Still felt deprived for exercise, but probably shed some calories sleeping under the stars in a frost covered sleeping bag - South California isn't sposto get that cold. Brrr.

Mon: 1+ hour scuba pool session - Frickin cold water 46F. Lots of hovering, so not that much exercise, but deffinately shivered off some lbs.

Mentor offered to start teaching me scootering soon - this is going to be fun :D!

Tues: 20 minute eliptical warm up felt great!


Seated rows 4 sets X 10-12
Lat pull downs 4 sets X 10-12

straight bar curls 4 sets X 10
Dumbell curls 4 sets X 10 - 8
Hammer curls 3 sets X 12

3 sets 50 crunches
I was mistaken on Scott's Tri's. He did Olympic and 1/2 Iron Mans. Here's his response to me about his training.

Holy crapski. That's amazing. Yeah, 1/2 Ironmans are definitely not in my future. I would love to do an olympic at some point, but need to get the Sprint out of the way first.

Sounds fun! But really I'm more of a tribal trance California free form gal than a ballroom dancer :wink:. Love dancing to drum circles for hours and hours - that's some great cardio :D! Humm, gotta get back to it one of these days soon.

There are usually drum circles down at Ocean Beach on the weekends when the weather is right. I oftentimes ride by them on my bike, trying to be weary of flalling arms and such! :) I will have to keep an eye out for you, now that I know your passion!

Wednesday 11/18 - Despite being up this morning at 5:30 a.m., my arms were sore and so I decided against swimming. My legs, incredibly, are not sore. I definitely need to work on my core muscles and upper body strength. Again - I need to start doing some weights. Perhaps this evening I will go to the gym and do some.
My two mile slow run yesterday morning is it for me this week till the race. Daughter may or may not join. :( She had a temp of 100.7° this morning. :( Poor kid. I will take the pups to the park tonight and run around with them. Just got back from Home Depot where I bought a sledge hammer to rid the yard of some concerete. I *think* that may cause some sweating! :)
Sounds fun! But really I'm more of a tribal trance California free form gal than a ballroom dancer :wink:. Love dancing to drum circles for hours and hours - that's some great cardio :D! Humm, gotta get back to it one of these days soon.

Kathy . . . how cool! One of my long time lindy hop/ballroom dance partners does tribal bellydance; she's also into trance techno too. . . but her favorite is foxtrot and lindy hop swing.

The real ballroom dance scene out there is a more relaxed social event than the competitive stuff you see on TV. You meet all sorts of people from all age groups, college students & professionals (just like you do in Scuba!), and it's a lot more fun for old fogeys like me instead of doing power pyramid barbell repetitions and masochistic iron man training routines & regimens anymore. . .

A Runner's high is nice . . .but making a Lady look & feel good on the dancefloor is even better!:wink:
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....albeit a bit startling at times!!! LOL


There are usually drum circles down at Ocean Beach on the weekends when the weather is right. I oftentimes ride by them on my bike, trying to be weary of flalling arms and such! :) I will have to keep an eye out for you, now that I know your passion!

LOL! Thanks :D! You could jump right in, it's probably a very welcoming crowd & if you keep up with the rhythem you'll be amazed at the exercise!

Kathy . . . how cool! She's also into trance techno too. . .

Hi Kev,

I can definitely do the trance techno, yoga groovy thing - but usually it means really late nights and it's hard to wake up at 6am for diving when you fall asleep at 4:30am - priorities :wink:.

As for partners dancing - I tried Salsa & well-- I learned I'm not that into consistently following at all - turns out I'm one of those weird gals who would rather be pumping barbells or be at the end of a belay rope watching my partners back -- than looking good on a dance floor ;-).


Leg press 4 sets X 10-12
Dumbbell Lunges 4 sets X 10-12
Straight leg dead lifts 4 sets X 10 - 12
Leg Extensions 4 sets X 8-12
Hamstring curls 4 sets X 10
Standing Calf raises 3 sets X 15

Ok, now that I let it slip that I love to have fun - I don't want to give off the misconception that workouts are all "serious." Sure I am 100% focused during a set cause I learned to lift from pros. But my gym (which has great basic free weight gear) is also a rock climbing gym & there is lots of playing.

Today when I finished pumping iron there were 10 minutes left before closing - the rotating belt with climbing holds caught my eye, which it sometimes does, so I hoped on. Fun to grab holds and fly up the thing and then quicken the speed so that it becomes cardio.

Was huffing and puffing and giggling when I finally dropped off 10 minutes later in submission.

You know today I was lugging around my friends doubles - it's no big deal at all. Think I must be pretty strong. Excited to strap them on my back and give it a go as soon as finals are over in mid December.
That's a great endurance/maintenance cardio workout kathy --sounds like you're ready to lug those doubles through the sand, all geared-up to do a beach dive as well! My dive buddy does that beach dive three to four times a week down here in SoCal in dbl HP85's and is somewhat of a legend down here (and she dances a fun & furious Salsa as well:blinking: ! )
Thursday 11/19 - weekly run/jog with my best friend. 2.4 miles plus 1.4 miles walking to and from meeting her. Fun.
That's a great endurance/maintenance cardio workout kathy --sounds like you're ready to lug those doubles through the sand, all geared-up to do a beach dive as well! My dive buddy does that beach dive three to four times a week down here in SoCal in dbl HP85's and is somewhat of a legend down here (and she dances a fun & furious Salsa as well:blinking: ! )

3-4X a week?! That's dedication, but I'm still not sold on couples dancing :wink:! When I have to follow for extended periods, I tend to step on toes :shocked2:!

Tomorrow I get to slip into my beloved warm water gear, glide into clear 80F water, liberate my hands from these new clumbsy dry gloves and enjoy So Fla reefs & moms Turkey for a few days ;-).

Have a good holiday you all!

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