2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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Sunday 11/15 - ran my first 5k today. Did as anticipated although I am still waiting for my official time. Felt rougher than I had hoped, but that's okay.

Congrats Sarita!!!!!! I love running 5Ks. Just getting out there and doing it is an accomplishment.

Kudos to both of you! I hate running and would much rather row 5K or 10K or bike 50 miles..... but who knows.... maybe I'll keep reading this stuff and learn how to run... lol
Some of our club members lifted in a local meet held at the Columbus so we attended to take pics and video. Our technique and flexibility isn’t were it needs to be for a meet, but it was fun being around the energy and enthusiasm of the other lifters.

Here’s an album of videos from lifters from our team at the meet
Columbus Meet Nov09 on Vimeo


Lazy day, but I wanted to do something light.

Warmed up on the Cycling trainer.... reached 187rpm for a few seconds before cooling down.

Deadlift high pulls with 55# Kettlebell
Back extentions on GHD with strong hamstring pull/lift at the top

Ring Rows
Kudos to both of you! I hate running and would much rather row 5K or 10K or bike 50 miles..... but who knows.... maybe I'll keep reading this stuff and learn how to run... lol

LOL. Running for me is a love/hate thing. My head loves it, my body hates it. Then take into consideration that I do not have a runners body, or a natural ability to run, and it becomes a real labor of love.
LOL. Running for me is a love/hate thing. My head loves it, my body hates it. Then take into consideration that I do not have a runners body, or a natural ability to run, and it becomes a real labor of love.

It is definitely a love-hate thing for me. My body likes it, and craves it, but it does hurt and the hurting makes my mind revolt - so for me it is more the opposite! :) I have always felt that I wasn't a runner, and I always had a myriad of reasons why I shouldn't/couldn't be a runner or even try to run. Caveat: I am a jogger, not a runner. But I am surprised when I look at how far I have progressed.

I am going to now have to switch gears and begin training for my 1st sprint distance tri in April. I drove the bike course the other day, and there is a pretty considerable elevation gain over quite a distance - which was a bit intimidating. I ended up going and looking at hybrid and road bikes on Saturday as a result, and will probably end up purchasing something within the next few months. Joy. I need to figure out how to get all this training in! hahaha!
It is definitely a love-hate thing for me. My body likes it, and craves it, but it does hurt and the hurting makes my mind revolt - so for me it is more the opposite! :) I have always felt that I wasn't a runner, and I always had a myriad of reasons why I shouldn't/couldn't be a runner or even try to run. Caveat: I am a jogger, not a runner. But I am surprised when I look at how far I have progressed.

I am going to now have to switch gears and begin training for my 1st sprint distance tri in April. I drove the bike course the other day, and there is a pretty considerable elevation gain over quite a distance - which was a bit intimidating. I ended up going and looking at hybrid and road bikes on Saturday as a result, and will probably end up purchasing something within the next few months. Joy. I need to figure out how to get all this training in! hahaha!

Awwwhh, jogger. Good. Yeah, I am not a runner either, jogging is a much better term.

Funny. Last spring a friend and I did a 5K. It was her first and I offered to keep pace with her. So we ran/walked the whole way. She could kick my butt running/jogging, and I had to really slow down to keep pace with her walking!
That's awesome regarding the walking pace. I am pleased that I just signed up for my 2nd 5k for thanksgiving weekend. Could be fun. :)
Nice. I am doing a 5K Saturday night under the lights. Probably won't do any more as I am trying to get ready for the 1/2 in January. 2 goals in that one...1. Finish. 2. beat last years time of 3:19 by 20 minutes. Lofty goals at best as I took the past 4 months off to recoup from last winter/spring. Need to drop about 40lbs too.. sigh...just started back.
Nice. I am doing a 5K Saturday night under the lights. Probably won't do any more as I am trying to get ready for the 1/2 in January. 2 goals in that one...1. Finish. 2. beat last years time of 3:19 by 20 minutes. Lofty goals at best as I took the past 4 months off to recoup from last winter/spring. Need to drop about 40lbs too.. sigh...just started back.

Have a great time doing the 5k this weekend! As for your 1/2 - that's awesome! I have been toying with doing the SF 1/2 in July, so that I have three solid months to train after my sprint tri in April. I have kind of backed off that idea, however, after doing this 5K. I think I might need more time before I am ready for a half. You rock though.

I am quickly realizing something, however. And I know this won't be a surprise to WB and all the other aficionados of Wt Training... I really need to do it. I am soooo bad at it and really need to make a concerted effort to get back into doing it. :idk:
If you are thinking of doing a 1/2. JUST DO IT!!!!! I can't even begin to recreate the high and feeling of elation crossing that line.
I met an angel at the start line. She was about the same height, weight and age as I. Thank God for her. She had been training and as we started she told me she trained 1/1. 1 minute run, 1 min. walk. Walk up hills, walk through the water breaks. It worked. I finished. I now have a watch that I can set for one minute intervals, and that is partly how I am training.

The 5k this weekend will be fun. I am not doing it for time or personal records. My daughter and I are doing it together. Cool Beans.
If you are thinking of doing a 1/2. JUST DO IT!!!!! I can't even begin to recreate the high and feeling of elation crossing that line.
I met an angel at the start line. She was about the same height, weight and age as I. Thank God for her. She had been training and as we started she told me she trained 1/1. 1 minute run, 1 min. walk. Walk up hills, walk through the water breaks. It worked. I finished. I now have a watch that I can set for one minute intervals, and that is partly how I am training.

The 5k this weekend will be fun. I am not doing it for time or personal records. My daughter and I are doing it together. Cool Beans.

Awesome advice on both fronts. I like the walk run strategy. I always have the problem that I have to be very diligent with myself regarding my breaks when learning something or doing something that is 'taxing', always timing them. I have always been that way with myself - even when I was learning to snowboard. Always 15-30 seconds and then I force myself to get back up. Otherwise my personal pity party begins to set in. :D

As for the 1/2 - I am also training for a sprint tri, so I need to focus myself a bit more on that, since it is in April, the 1/2 at the end of July. I figure 2.5 months should be enough time to get ready for 13.1. :)

That's awesome that you are doing the 5K with your daughter! Hope you two have a great time doing it together!

Tuesday 11/17 - Cycling / Spinning class! I love it. Although last week I was really sore the two days after. I explained that to the teacher today and so he gave me more pointers on how to deal with it - so I am hoping that I am not quite so bad this week. I do :heart: that class though.

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