I think Eric has said it perfectly. Here is a few of of thoughts on wing:
1. definitely donut wing. while difference maybe small as someone may claim, but you are starting new, no reason to go with horse shoe. Myself can feel the difference.
2. inflator should come out from the left side, not center ( like xDeep ghost or DSS). Again difference may not small, but with smaller diver who most likely needs tank to be as low as possible, the center inflator hose outlet could make setup harder.
3. Most wing model mentioned here are quite good. I have used Oxycheq, Halcyon and HOG wings. No experience with VDH. Mostly, you are trading some toughness for pack-ability. If you can take a look at one in real life, it helps to decide. Amongst those I have used, Oxycheq the toughest, difficult to pack due to how thick and stiff the shell is. Halcyon is reasonable tough, but very pack friendly. This wing requires a STA, so if you are going with Eric's plate, H won't be compatible.