2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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8/26 30 minute elipitical circut training (turned the cardio up a notch)

8/27 1 hour chest/shoulder/tri workout -

2nd round of weights turned it up

Chest/ flat bench, incline dumbells
Shoulders/ bent over rows/ front lateral raises/lateral raises/military dumbels
Tri/ tricep extention, oopps forgot the name of the other exercise
3-4 sets each exercise
15-8 reps to 90% failure.

10 minute jog/10 minute elipitical

tightening up the food more for the second round since vacation
Saturday 8/29 - Elliptical (60 minutes) - about 650 calories and nearly 5 miles. Weights (Abs and Upper Body) - 25 minutes - chest flies, presses, curls, cheerleaders, tricep kickbacks, infinities with weighted ball, crunches (with and without weighted balls). Stretching - 15 minutes.

Sunday 8/30 - Elliptical (20 minutes) 1.56 miles and approximately 238 calories. Run (C25K - 31 minutes) - 1.68 miles and approximately 237 calories. Ankle (Peroneal Tendon) was REALLY bothering me, so it was a struggle. Stretching - 10 minutes.
8/31 Speed and agility class. Took the weekend off.
Monday 8/31 - Elliptical (35 minutes) - 450 calories and 2.90 miles.
Grocery Shopping for the cat... Cycled 20 minutes... 4 miles... Cat still alive!

Oly Lifting:
Tonight was a lot of work on shoulder press and push presses.
Press: Front of the neck,
Press: Behind the neck,
Front Squat then press,
Back Squat then press,
Quick Dip and push press

Romanian Deadlifts
Hockey Practice (conditioning time in hockey)
I have not worked out since Monday. Planning in hitting the gym tomorrow morning before work.

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