2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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Did some exercise on that exercise machine on Monday and today went diving and took photograph madness today. Next week gonna get my Dslr going so now I'm so happy I feel like telling my mom to iron my shirt out!! :ironmyshirt:
Wednesday 8/19 - Rest day

Thursday 8/20 - 3rd day of the C25K. Felt a little better although my ankles were still hurting. Alas. Followed up with a mile swim.
Ha ha thanks Sarita! If diving counts then I wasn't lazy at all this summer ;-). No wonder why the new exercise kick doesn't feel like a strain - I must be in better shape than I think from all that diving.

Anyway, I usually stick to the weights 3X a week to work the entire body. So for the last two nights (just because I promised her) I've just been taking 30-45 minute walk up/down hills with my pup. But tonight into the gym again for a weight workout.

Then 2 and possibly 3 days of diving ;-)! After all the warm water diving - very interested to see how this drysuit, steel tank, pile o' weights & big old fins feel. Ha, ha.

Hope to see you around somewhere soon Sarita.
Rowing Sprints 250m, Miscellaneous workout of situps/back-extensions and air squats


Finally conquered my personal “Hill of Death”. It’s a hill that rises 125ft in 1/4 mile… about a 9.5% grade. For this flat-lander, that’s a lot of hill, and I’ve been battling it mentally for 14 months. I’ve only tried it a handful of times, but it has weighed on my mind and influences my route whenever I think about going that direction.

By using my lowest gear on my heavy touring bike, I was able to use cardio effort rather than “toast” my legs trying to muscle up the hill.

We also did a 15 mile ride out and back to Morrow, doing some Sprints and in general, pushing these heavier bikes harder than we would if they were loaded with touring gear.

Great workout and plenty tired, but enjoying the feeling of success!!
finally conquered my personal “hill of death”. It’s a hill that rises 125ft in 1/4 mile… about a 9.5% grade. For this flat-lander, that’s a lot of hill, and i’ve been battling it mentally for 14 months. * * * great workout and plenty tired, but enjoying the feeling of success!!

CONGRATS!!! That's an awesome accomplishment!!
Friday 8/21 - Day o' rest

Saturday 8/22 - Elliptical (38 minutes) - 3.01 miles and 460 calories. Followed up with 20 minutes of pilates, and 10 minutes of stretching.
Sarita you are right! Cold water is a great work out! I'm exhausted.

Friday just went out in 20ft water and did 2 dives 60 & 80 minutes - lots of pratice - trying to get use to this drysuit

Saturday did two more dives at Lobos. I forgot how long the surface swims are - but what great fun!!
Biked 20 miles, including some rolling hill road work. Hiked 5 miles on mountain bike trails.


Today I was happy to hop back on my mountain bike for a little over an hour of huffing/puffing up and down dirt trails & hill.
Sunday 8/23 - Ultimate rest day.

Monday 8/24 - Elliptical (15 minutes) - 1.18 miles and just over 175 calories. Followed by C25K (Week 2, Day 1 - 29 minutes + extra 6 minutes of 'cool down') - 1.97 miles, 235 calories.

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