2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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I just found this fourm but i would love to join in. Seeing i just got out of high school now is a perfect time to make sure i stay in shape.

Today 8/24 ran 1.5 miles....speed and agility class (i teach)

speed and agility class is a demanding leg and some upper body workout. Hour long. Starts out with sets of 50 jumps and 20 push ups. Do about 5 sets. Then go to deep knee bends. 3 sets of 50. Then 20 diamond, wide arm, and regular push ups. Then some more leg workouts that are hard to explain. If you would like me to explain anything or the other stuff let me know.
Welcome!! Always glad to have more people on here!

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Welcome Bob!

Monday: brisk walk up/down hills 45 minutes

Tuesday: Gym

20 minutes elipitical

Legs/Abs workout
3 sets Leg press
3 sets Dumbell lunges
3 sets Deadlift
3 sets leg extention
3 sets leg curl
3 sets lower back extention
3 sets of 35 ab crunches
Tuesday 8/25 - Day o' rest. Did a lot of errands and cooking. Yum. And it was all healthy, which is even better.

Wednesday 8/26 - Elliptical (38 minutes) - 3.01 miles and just over 450 calories. Lower body stretching. Resistance Training - Upper (25 minutes). Bicep curls, free wt bench press, tricep kickbacks, cheerleaders, worked with a weighted ball doing "sunflowers" (as I call them), and BOSU ball crunches with a weighted ball. Fun times.
8/25 Day of rest (hw for college)
8/26 Speed and agility class
Thursday 8/27 - Elliptical (15 minutes) - 1.18 miles and 176 calories. Followed by Week 2, Day 2 of my C25K program - 5 minutes of warm up and cool down, sandwiching cycles of 90 secs running and 2 minutes running. 29 minutes. Extra 6 minutes of walking to round out the day's festivities.

I think tomorrow I might try to hit the pool.
Morning: 5 minute row to warm my body up. 1017 meters.

Afternoon: 5 minute row to get ready for Oly lifting. 1045 meters

Olympic Lifting – Skills for Cleans:
Ankle flexibility
Shoulder flexibility and pullovers laying on a bench for stretching.

Goblet Squats

Angled Bar rows (inverse bench press) focused on squeezing shoulder blades together.

Hang Shrug Triplets:
Slow shrug, slow shrug, explosive shrug with fast elbow whip and squat under.

Clean Deadlifts (two boxes high)
Clean Deadlifts (one box high)

Sore lower back and dead tired afterwards.

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