2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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Yeah the cat lives!

Mon: 30 minute up/down hill walk with my dog

Tuesday: 30 minute elipitical - hill profile

Wednesday: 2 hour pratice pool session with drysuit
leg workout - leg press, dumbell lunges, leg extention & curls, straight leg deadlifts, calf press (about
90% of max)
& 10 minutes eliptical for warm up
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9/1 Great old speed class. An hour and a half today.
It's interesting that yesterday, Penny got me this shirt.

Today, I fell over the side of a bridge and landed over 8 ft down in the creek bed with a mountain bike on top of me. I think the dinosaur got me!!

Here's the pics from my spill.
Holy crap. Are you all right? That looks like it was probably a very nasty fall. I am really sorry that it happened to you! Hope you are okay. Oh, and love the t-shirt. Where'd she find that?

Thursday 9/3 – Elliptical (35 minutes) – 2.79 miles and 425 calories. Felt really burdened by the workout today. Need to try and push through this mental blah that I am in right now.
Holy crap. Are you all right? That looks like it was probably a very nasty fall. I am really sorry that it happened to you! Hope you are okay. Oh, and love the t-shirt. Where'd she find that?

Thursday 9/3 – Elliptical (35 minutes) – 2.79 miles and 425 calories. Felt really burdened by the workout today. Need to try and push through this mental blah that I am in right now.

I think Penny got the shirt from Woot Shirt : One Shirt, No Shoes, No Service (SM)

I'm feeling better now... thanks!... this morning I couldn't move... everything was seized up. Today, Ice and Icy Hot have been my friend... even did a very very slow 800m row to warm some sore muscles up.
Today, I fell over the side of a bridge and landed over 8 ft down in the creek bed with a mountain bike on top of me. I think the dinosaur got me!!

Here's the pics from my spill.

Ouch! Glad it's only bruises & scrapes - that could have been ugly - glad you're alright !
Friday 9/4 - Elliptical (10 minutes) - warm up. .80 miles and approximately 122 calories. C25K (29 minutes) - 5 min warm up/cool down, alternating 90 seconds of running and 2 minutes of brisk walking. 1.75 miles and approximately 250 calories. Repeating 2nd week to try and work out some of the pain issues before moving onto the 3rd week. Stretching (5 minutes). Need to do some pilates this evening.
9/4 off day

9/5 chest/shoulders/tri 1 hour work out - freeweights

9/6 diving

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