2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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I have been crappy in logging exercise. Sorry!

Tuesday 8/11 - Recovery day. Did some resistance training which made my legs really sore, so I thought it wiser to relax.
Wednesday 8/12 - Still sore, so I took another day off.
Thursday 8/13 - Back on the job! Elliptical (35 minutes), approximately 2.70 miles and over 400 calories. Afternoon - Pilates DVD (30 minutes)
Friday 8/14 - Hike on our beautiful lands end coastline with my best friend. About 40 minutes, varied terrain.
Saturday 8/15 - Day 1 of the Couch to 5k Program that I am going to start. A bit of lower leg pain, so I need to figure out strides a bit. Followed up with a walk on the beach with Mark - 75 minutes.
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Sunday 8/16 - Gym day. Elliptical (15 minutes) - 208 calories and 1.16 miles. Free weights (upper body and some weighted lunges) - 15 minutes. Elliptical (27 minutes) - just over 340 calories and 2.34 miles. Treadmill (15 minutes) - .75 miles and I can't remember the calories, around 100. Stretching.
Hi there,

New to this thread. Was on another fitness thread before that seems to have died. So hope you don't mind if I jump on board.

Just back from a long dive trip 2+ months. And while the diving was amazing 95 dives! Small island living and warm water diving does very little for fitness. Was in top shape before I left but found it difficult to find room for even regular walking & motivation for push ups in my room faltered over time.

Im sure my drysuit, steel tanks, long surface swims and all the weight are going to seem a bit heavier ;-)

My weight lifting/rock climbing gym, the pool, hiking, & ny mountain bike are all neglected :wink: So now that jet lag is passing and this cold is almost cleared up - time to get back at it!

Humm, still light outside - think I'll start with a long walk/hike! Thanks for the support !
Jump right in Kathy! It's nice to see more people involved, and it helps to remind us all to do the things that keep us interested and active!

Took a 15 mile ride. Rode at different intensities. Easy Warmup, Fast Draft swapping lead, Sprint/Coast Intervals, Cool down. Fun and varied!
Monday 8/17 - Week 1, Day 2 of the C25K program (31 minutes). Still doing walking 90 secs, running 60 secs with 5 minute warm up and cool down. Had some pain in the peroneal tendon, so one of my running sections was only 1/2. Felt pretty frustrated at the end of the session so I went for a swim. 1 mile.
:DThanks for the welcome Bob & Sarita! Great to join ambitious exercise junkies :wink:.

Sarita what are you training for? It sounds ambitious!

Yesterdays walk/hike was quite nice. My pup was happy :wink:. Walked down about 1.5 miles then said what the heck. Climbed a steep 15 minute hill/mountain to catch a gimpse of the bay in the setting sun. My sea legs were a little rubbery but not to bad :wink:. Overall probably 40+ minutes of walking/hiking.

Today decided to start back in the gym. Will take it easy for 2 weeks. Brake the body down into 3 workouts & I love freeweights

Today was chest/shoulders/tri

Starting slow - For each body part 2 exercises - 3 sets each exercise - minimum of 12 reps each set - about 75% of max.

Then 15 minutes interval training on the elipitical machine.

Was a breeze and now I wished I did more. But better for the body to start off a little slow for warm up ;-).

Got on a scale and was pleased to be much light than I though. 2 weeks of good eating and I'll be back at where I started before this trip filled with restraunt food :wink:. Starting the clean eating now !

Does diving count as exercise for this forum? Going diving this weekend :D!
I always count diving as exercise, especially in our chilly waters. Actually, that is my exercise for today. I am in Castroville right now, heading to Carmel, more than likely.

As for what I am 'training for' - simply life. :)

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Tuesday 8/18 - Diving! Nothing like a midweek dive! Dives were 61 minutes and 56 minutes in length. Water temp about 53 degrees in shallows, 51 degrees deeper. I am TIRED!

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