Halcyon sueing OxyCheq, US Divers and others?

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U redu. Jako mi je žao. Vidimo se! Let's dive together sometime. :)

ROFLMAO...nema problema. I'll dive if we go flying first...because of the flying after diving issues :)

Do not give into the dark side young paduin!!! lol

I've got a good story about a couple of girls sitting at a table next to me that didn't know I spoke Croatian. They said some things :wink: about me and I didn't let on...until I got up to leave. Talk about some red faces and the smile on my face....hehehe.
ROFLMAO...nema problema. I'll dive if we go flying first...because of the flying after diving issues :)

Do not give into the dark side young paduin!!! lol

I've got a good story about a couple of girls sitting at a table next to me that didn't know I spoke Croatian. They said some things :wink: about me and I didn't let on...until I got up to leave. Talk about some red faces and the smile on my face....hehehe.

I'd love to hear the story! I only know a little, but I'm a quick learner. You're on for the flying and diving. PM me if you make down to my neck of the sunshine state.
Oh - and by the way - other companies that have sued their competitors:

Coca-Cola/ Pepsi/RC
McDonalds/Burger King/Wendy's/White Castle/Subway

Need I go on???

Damn. I guess I have to write them all off. I really can live without a lot of them...But White Castle? It's what makes crossing the border worth it! :(
Damn. I guess I have to write them all off. I really can live without a lot of them...But White Castle? It's what makes crossing the border worth it! :(

It's not the action of the lawsuit, it's why and how. Is there an echo in here? :rolleyes:

Someone was nice enough to forward me a slightly altered (certain names whited out) scanned copy of the lawsuit in question. For those who are interested, Halcyon is apparently claiming the defendants violated 3 patents - No. 5,855,454, No. 6,530,725 and No. 6,558,082 - and is seeking damages. If you go to http://patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/srchnum.htm , and enter the numbers, you can find extensive descriptions of the patented items themselves.
Saturation's post on the first page of the other "Halcyon Lawsuit" thread lists the patent numbers AND what they cover.

Well, to clarify, a US patent applicant is required to submit relevant prior art of which they are aware, but they are not required to do a search to find art they don't already have.

If such prior art is obvious in the industry, you'd think that the lawsuit(s) would go away quickly...Someone mentioned that some defendants have settled for hundreds of thousands of dollars...Seems to me that one could reasonably draw an inference from that (assuming it is true) that the settling defendants didn't believe they had a defense to mount that would cost less than the settlement amount...

The people I have hear that settled did so for only a few thousand dollars or less.. Personally I think they will be burried once it gets to court.. there is plenty of prior art out there.. a popular bc in the 80s was the ATpak, it had both weight pockets AND a ballast system in the rear..

The only two that I know settled for sure was deep-outdoors and abysmal.
Ok cool... The thread was getting so long, I obviously skipped it. In any event, the patent office link contains *very* extensive descriptions.
Just out of curiosity, the lawsuit I found on the website for the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida that concerns the patents-in-suit identifies an entity called Carleigh Rae, not Halcyon, as the plaintiff.

Purported common ownership aside, it seems to me that people should get their facts straight before sounding off.
*ahem* not true.

I think Japan is leading the field in patent applications ATM

See http://www.european-patent-office.org/tws/tsr_2001/ch3/3.2.php


US leads in applications granted, which I think is what you meant. If not, I can't think of a reason that applications (and not applications granted) would be important when discussing who generates more patents... After all, if it's not granted, you can't use it as a stick against your competition.


Here's an exerpt:
"The USPTO has also experienced an increase in the number of patents granted, with 167,334 registrations in 2002, an increase of 0.8% over the previous year. This is the highest number of grants among the Trilateral Offices. "

Trilateral being Japan, EPC, USA. Japan has been on a decline since 2000, and EPC granted less than 1/3 of the US number.

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