At the end of the day, the diver is responsible for his/her own safety. We all carry high-powered computers in our pockets, aka cell phones, that would easily show anyone (including foreign divers speaking a different language) how to set their percentages with a quick Google search. It was irresponsible of Buddy #3 to ignore this very basic requirement --- ESPECIALLY for NDL dive at 110' with two strangers that he met 30 mins prior.
The dive shop renting the gear should have confirmed with the diver that he knew how to set the mix, but I disagree with the notion that they should have set the mix FOR HIM. You are opening up yourself to is the same reason I won't analyze people's mixes for them. That is on you. You are certified, you should know the process, and if you don't -- you have no business diving.
Just my two pennies, as someone who hands rental gear to people on a weekly basis.