2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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Yeah, I am not so much a fan of riding in the rain - on a bike or on my motorcycle. It might be refreshing in your neck of the woods during a warm summer, but we get some really cold rains over here in CA. Brrr. Straight off the ocean .... brr. Getting cold just thinking about it. :)

It's been in the 40's and 50's the past week or so, and rainy. Nothing nice about it. LOL

Trial run on the new cycling trainer, a Cyclops Super Mag Resistance unit. My "go fast" bike hooks up well to it.

Workout 1:

10 minute warmup, with incrementally increased intensity.
Did a "Tabata Sequence" consisting of 20 sec max rpm (approx 130), then 10 sec rest (Repeat 4 times)
Total time on bike... 15 minutes. Max Speed 24.5mph; Ave speed 12mph.

Workout 2:

Did a bit of a pyramid type workout. After a couple of minutes of easy pedaling, started off slow and easy with a cadence around 80rpm, then every 30 seconds increased a gear. At about 7 minutes, cranked to max gear and pedaled for all I could get for about 20 seconds, then rapidly descended gears.
Cooldown for remainder of 15 minutes to get heart and respiration down.

Total time on bike 15 minutes. Max Speed 40.7mph; Ave speed 14mph.
Max Speed 24.5mph; Ave speed 12mph.
Max Speed 40.7mph

Holy Moly! That's incredible.

Thursday 10/15 - C25K program. Walked 1/2 mile to a friends house, we did the program from there together. 5 minute warm up and cool down, with 5 minute runs with 3 minute walks between. Unfortunately we chose a bit of a hilly path and uphills were very challenging. :) We did all of the run with an exception of about 30 seconds. I felt really good...
Holy Moly! That's incredible.

Thursday 10/15 - C25K program. Walked 1/2 mile to a friends house, we did the program from there together. 5 minute warm up and cool down, with 5 minute runs with 3 minute walks between. Unfortunately we chose a bit of a hilly path and uphills were very challenging. :) We did all of the run with an exception of about 30 seconds. I felt really good...

Yeh... No wind resistance on the trainer... never been above 35mph on my bike on the road, so 40+ was kinda fun... but no wind to cool you off either.... of course, that was the easy setting. We'll see what I can do on Interval or Mountain training settings... LOL... they get progressively harder the faster the tire goes.
At Home:
5 minutes of rowing, 1016 meters

At Club:
Warmup of hip flexors (leg swings, lunges)

Superman (with 5# weights in hands)

Clean Shrugs (x3), then hang clean from just below hips (3 sets of this sequence)

Hang Clean sequence (Just below hip, just above knee, just below knee) x4

Back began tightening up. Also need to work on my pull and elbow speed on the clean.
Sarita... if you want some ideas for cycling in the winter and various stages of "cold", this site has some great ideas.
Icebike Home Page

We used it last year for suggestions. Here's Penny modeling her ninja bike outfit for 32 degree rides.

Wow that class really knocked my work outs off kilter. Awesome class - but not back to the weights yet & feeling it.

Still not sure if I agree diving is a workout as the tanks seem to be getting heavier as I am depriving myself of pumpin' iron.

This weekend promises some great diving 1-2 dives on Saturday, 3 on Sunday :D! Ok maybe long surface kicks are exercise but how about scooter tows - how can they count?

10/12-10/13 off
10/14 30 minute eliptical
10/15 1 hours swimming laps off/on
10/16 1.5 hour scuba pool session
Right upper back has a "pinch", either from the Clean Shrugs or some Pullups I was doing on Thursday.

Light interval training:
250m Row, GHD Back Extension with pause at the top, GHD Situps, Ring Rows

Cycling on the Resistance Trainer:
5 minute warmup at moderate cadence (Middle Chain Ring - 2nd Gear) 10mph
5 minute ramp up to cadence 100RPM (Increasing one gear per minute) 12-20mph
5 minute Alternating between Big Ring-8th Gear for one minute, Middle Ring-8th gear for one minute (28mph & 20mph)
5 minute cooldown from Middle Ring-8th gear, reducing one gear per minute.
Total distance: 5.2 miles; 15mph average; 28 mph max
I have been kind of out of the loop lately and so I really need to get back into it. Unfortunately, this was an extremely busy weekend which included diving, volunteering at the Nike Women's Marathon and a kid's birthday about 80 miles away from home - ah, the things we do for friends.

Saturday 10/17 - Scuba Diving. Two shore dives, 1st approximately 42 minutes, 2nd approximately 51 minutes. Water temps in the low 50s.

Sunday 10/18 - Volunteering at the Nike Women's Marathon handing out water and gatorade to the thousands of runners, joggers and walkers. My arms were aching from pouring water and then standing with my arms out stretched with the water cups for the runners. It was good fun though.

Monday 10/19 - Back on the exercise routine. C25K. 5 minute warm up, followed by 8 minutes of jogging, 5 walking, another 8 jogging. With a 5 minute cool down. Ended up doing 2.4 miles in 31 minutes. I have decided to do my 1st 5k next month, so I am pretty happy with my progress thus far.

Tomorrow - to the gym.

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