2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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Good week for business, but challenged my workout time:

5/24 Yes - we walked at the beach as usual on Sunday - La Jolla Shores and Scripps. Missed the low tide by a bit, so also extended our walk into village - 4 miles.

5/25 Took the day off, but messed around on the wobble board.
5/26 Cardio at home on Stair Climber - 30 minutes.
5/27 No Workout - very busy day. (Hate to miss workouts, but at least jumped rope with a client for intervals.)
5/28 Treadmill at home - 4 mets - 45-minutes.
5/29 Very physical yard work all day.
5/30 Scuba Show 2009 all day. Did Scubafit "Dive Into Fitness" Presentation - went well, met a lot of great divers interested in physical fitness and shared ScubaFit training zones for FitDivers.
6/1 Treadmill on incline 10 as fast as possible for 30-minutes and 45 minutes of free weight and cable exercises - supersets.

Will try to log in more often.

Exercise Information and Discussion for Scuba Divers
Weekly workouts @ gym

Chest / abs = chest, 2 super sets then 800 abs per session

Biceps / Triceps / abs = same as above

Back and shoulder on the rest of the week.

I usually go 3 times per week and on the 3rd day i do:abs again or back or shoulders or cardio...depending on the mood :)

This program is just to keep myself fit and to burn fat...no muscle gaining with this program.

I`m 1.82 cm / 80 kg.

I have been on vacation so doing a lot of walking, but nothing 'regimented.' I hope to make it to the gym tonight but am on east coast time so that might not happen. If not, tomorrow morning.
Power Cleans
Worked on Technique and video taped

Overhead Squat WOD (5x5)
Finally able to do more than just the light barbell.
25, 30, 33, 38, 45
Did video review

Visited an Olympic Weightlifting club Tues night. They were having a meet, so I watched and even helped photograph. We will probably join the club to get more technical assistance with the Olympic lifts (Clean & Jerk, Snatch).
After warming up, I wanted to see if I could best my PR in the 250m Row of 46 seconds on March 25.

250m Row (sprint)
(set the pace boat to run at :45/250m)

43 seconds, 43 seconds

Pretty much out of gas after that, so I didn't make another attempt.

A 3 second improvement didn't seem like much, so I did a comparison of "first attempt" and "most recent attempt" on all the distances where I've rowed twice at least a month apart. What I found was enlightening:

Improvements %
250m 6.5% (3 sec)
1000m 5.3% (13 sec) (haven't tried a PR in almost a month)
5000m 6.4% (97 sec)
Wow WB416. We are in two different leagues full stop. :) That's awesome that you are able to video your lifts but are you not at all afraid of lifting without a spotter? I would be scared. As for shoes, a friend of mine who was into body building swears my high top original chuck taylors. Something about their sole being good at providing a gripped base or something.

As for me - morning back at the gym. Was on vacation over the weekend, returned yesterday late morning and then went to work. Decided to rest last night as I was pretty exhausted from getting up at 1:00 a.m. local time to catch our flight home. So, we went to bed early and hit the gym this morning. I prefer morning to do workouts (at least cardio) as it makes me feel a little more aware of my body throughout the day.

Thursday 6/4 - Treadmill (35 minutes). 1.82 miles and 321 calories. Wasn't focusing too much on my heart rate and found afterwards that I was only 12 minutes in my target zone, so I need to be more conscious about that. Will be doing strength training later tonight.
None of the lifts I'm doing require or could be helped by a spotter.... I use bumper plates for most anything lifted above my knees, so I just drop the weights.

From reading, Chuck Taylors work great for the stationary/static powerlifting exercises (e.g. deadlift, squats, presses), but I've got some Lifting shoes on order for the more dynamic Olympic Weightlifting movements (e.g. Snatch, Clean & Jerk).

BTW... the Olympic lifts are GREAT cardio that are about the only weight resistance exercise to build both aerobic and anaerobic capacity!!
Thanks for the education on CTs and Wt Lifting! Good to know. I probably would not engage in that kind of olympic lifts for a lot of reasons, primarily being self conscious and having a funky bottom 1/2 (bad knees). Until I drop the weight I want to lose, it is cardio, diving and weight reps for me. And stretching.
Penny worked out in the evening, doing her 250m sprints.

250m Rowing
54 sec, 53 sec, 51 sec

While she was doing that, I decided to do some x5 work on Deadlifts, Front Squats, and Back Squats…. nothing heavy since I didn’t want to work too hard. It wasn’t too bad since doing the 250m Sprints in the morning, but I couldn’t just watch Penny row, so I got a light evening workout in and did video review after each set.

125 x 5
175 x 5

Front Squats
95 x 5
145 x 5

Back Squats
145 x 5
Tonight I did some strengthening exercises and cardio with Wii Active Sports. 25 minutes of that, and then another 10 minutes of 'dancing' which is kind of relaxing, but utilizes alot of arm muscles. Afterwards, did some stretches while watching some tv with my sweetie.

Tomorrow morning - back to the gym.

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