2009 SB Fitness Exercise Challenge!!!

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What are you training for? A Triathlon? I just need to hit requirements for the next class in mid Feb. Just passed that goal by a ways, so now on to blowing past the basics in style & have 3 months left to get there :).

Yes, I am training for a sprint tri for next April. Season is kind of over here and, given what I am trying to do re: remove weight, that is a nice goal to get me through the winter. For right now, I have my first 5k coming up - which I am pretty excited about - although I am still not done with my C25K program so I will be walking parts of it.

Friday 10/30 - The only exercise I got yesterday was hiking up the hill to Court http://sonicchicken.net/blog/wordpress/wp-content/images/marin_civic_center.jpg where the movie Gattica was filmed.

Saturday 10/31 - C25K program - 5 minute warm up and cool down - with 2 10 minute jogs stuffed in between. Got a side cramp, so I need to figure out what caused that. Total distance approximately 2.4 miles.
Yes, I am training for a sprint tri for next April. Season is kind of over here and, given what I am trying to do re: remove weight, that is a nice goal to get me through the winter. For right now, I have my first 5k coming up - which I am pretty excited about - although I am still not done with my C25K program so I will be walking parts of it.

Good stuff - look forward to following your progression! I wouldn't mind droping 5-6lbs myself and thinking about getting motivated again. Was doing really well before I took off for the summer to lazy tropical diving - it was pretty hard to be particular with food when you are constantly traveling in developing countries.

10/30 Interesting workout session. My weight lifting gym is also a rock climbing gym and they decided to host a "night climbing" haunted house. All the lights were out and people were climbing with headlights, glow sticks were everywhere w/ creepy music playing. I managed to slip by the staff up to the weight room and pump out a work out using mostly braile to find the right weights - finally got caught and kicked out just before the final shrug exercises :D - While it might not have been the most ambitious work out overall it was deffinately kinda fun.


2-3 exercises per body part
8-15 reps
90% of max due to lack of support in the dark ;-)
Does shopping count as exercise? :D LDS had a fantastic sale & I bought some more scuba gear :D!

Seriously - I finally broke out the mountain bike and took the new peddles on an easy dirt trail test run. It was a beautiful hour long sunset ride with my pup. The new Shimano peddles and clips that allow easy sidewards and forceful upward release - functioned exceptionally well! No more death traps :D! It appears my bike is good to go! Will test it further this week on something steeper.

The dives tomorrow promise amazing viz - The morning can't come soon enough!
Mountain Biking.... Sweet!! We've been dissappointed with the small amount of mountain biking we've done this year. Seems like every weekend we've had opportunity to go, the trails were too wet.

I'm thinking of building up a Surly Puglesly fat tired bike for the ultimate in soft terrain or snow biking!!! Works great on mountain bike trails too!

Great pic! A full moon dive how amazing!

Sunday: I went out with my new partner at Lobos for a very peaceful 84 minute dive down to 64 ft. Just learning to navigate the area and thought we'd have trouble - but with good information dropped down and hit our target with ease just 10 minutes into the dive ;-). Then glided back critter hunting over a shallow reef in the majestic kelp forests where we saw our first leopard shark - so cute :).
Lovely that you were able to do a night time bike ride. I need to get some lights so that I can head out after dark. I am amazed that it is 4:30 p.m. here and the sun is already low in the sky. It is going to be a cold motorcycle ride home tonight. Brr.

Sunday 11/1 - Swim training day. 45 minute swim lesson with a coach. Pleased to hear that my stroke is pretty good and strong, but I need tweeking. I need to learn to breathe on both sides, better kicking technique (I am not kicking enough) and need to learn to glide more as I am doing about 23 strokes per lap, rather than 16-20 where I should be more. So, I think I will take another lesson to see what's up. :)

Monday 11/2 - I was feeling really unmotivated this morning but made it out for a run/jog with the C25K program - which today had me doing 5 min warm up and 5 for cool down with 25 minutes of jogging. I was very scared to start, but knew I just needed to get it done. I was happy to see that I only walked about 2 minutes of the entire 23 minutes. When I added up my distance I did approximately 3.3 miles - so I am pretty stoked. I am going to win no marathons, but I should be okay for my 1st 5k next week.
Brrrr is right.... you definitely get more wind chill with the motorcycle!


Warmup: (Used right shoulder wrap)

250m Row with 30 seconds rest (Repeat 4 times)
PVC bar stretches (belly button to overhead to small of back and return)
Overhead Squats with the PVC bar
Hang Shrugs


(I haven't had the opportunity to work on the explosive snatch move since the biking accident, so tonight was a slow re-introduction)

Hang Power Snatch (starting position above the knees and finishing with very little squat)
PVC bar (x3)
25# (x3) (video review)
25# (x3) (video review)
25# (x3) (video review)
35# (x3) (video review)
35# (x3) (video review)
45# (x3) (video review)
45# (x3) (video review)
75# (x3) (video review)

45# Overhead Squat (x5)
75# Overhead Squat (x5)

After comparing video from earlier in the summer, I was pleased with the evolution of my back position (curve), and motion of the bar.

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