Updates on Kimber/TekDiveGirl

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OK time for another update. We had a family meeting this past Weds. where my team of MDs and therapists meet with my family and ppl helping me to discuss my progress to date, current goals, future goals and things that may get in the way of me acheiving those goals. This is also a time my family can ask any questions they may have.

Suffice it to say it went great. I showed progress in all areas. My insurance company has approved me for 5 days a week thru Dec 22. They are going to request I drop down to 3 days a week after that. They think I am ready to venture backout into the community in some fashion. I am not sure what exactly Iam going to do on those 2 days but we will figure that out.

I asked my MD about driving and he said not yet. I also asked him about theraputic horseback riding (look it up it is really cool) and he said yes.

All in all a great report. I am kinda nervous about dropping down to 3 days a week. I am not sure what I will do with my time. But I must contine forward one step at a time. Thanks again for all your support through what has to be hands down the toughest thing Ihave ever been through.


Hi all. Many of us have been wondering, "how long". Or what the optimum is that we can hope for or expect. We know the docs can't say exactly. None of us are that naive to believe they can. However, they are guesstimating, if you will, about a year.

Hopefully, Kimber can fill us in more on just what that means. Anyway, I thought this may all give us an idea of what we are shooting/hoping for :D

Added note:

Kimber asked me to let everyone know, next week is when she goes from five day's a week at rehabilitation to just three time's a week. She will be off on Tuesday's and Thursday's, so we can look for her here on those off days.

Let's wish her luck on this newest transition. :jump:
Wow ~~~ it sure has been a long time since I posted an update hasn't it? So much improvement has occured since my last post here.

Since my last post I have gotten back into wearing jeans and regular pants with buttons and zippers. That was Jan 11th and that was the very last time my wheelchair left the house.

Back in October, I had botox injections in my shoulder, peck bicep and forearm muscles. I have seen so much improvement in my wrist, hand and fingers on my right side it has been amazing. I am right hand dominannt and am now reaching for things with my right hand first. It is frustrating sometimes,because my grip, dexterity and fine motor skills aren't quite there yet --- but the fact that my brain is even telling it to do it is HUGE!

This long presidents day weekend has been filled with "firsts" for me. First --- it's the first time that I have spent a weekend alone since the accident. The first time that I've taken a shower alone. I blowed dry my hair. I tried curling it --- but after I got 2 curls and multiple burns I figured that maybe I would try that next month!

I carried a full bottle of water from the water cooler to the couch without spilling a drop. Took care of my own meds ... my own food ... just get back to being independant.

To be totally honest, I was a bit nervous at first. But it has been great!!!

Thursday the 22nd, I have an appointment to have botox injected into my left lower leg and foot. I am hoping I get as good or better results than I got in my right arm. The spasticity in my ankle and toes is causing me great pain and difficulty in walking and balance.

For more info on botox in the theraputic sence go to :

And tonight Sue and I are going out to dinner with some people that I haven't seen in a long time. People I used to tech dive with. So we should have a really good time.

Thats it for now!!

Take care and thank for your support!!


Well she is home and a bit uncomfortable. Here is her view of things:

Day 2 - I have been really tired again today - sleeping on and off through most of it. A good friend brought me lunch of roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli/carrots. It was tasty!

I've answered some emails - watched some shows that I recorded from previous nights and just rested.

Overall I'm feeling ok - its the strangest thing though - my abdominal muscles are really really sore. I'm guessing spending so much time on my back and having it hurt so much maybe I was trying to take the strain off my back by using my abs. That's one way to get a heck of a workout eh?

I'll try to get on the computer tonight after the kids get home (so they can put it on my lap) or if my back is feeling better maybe sometime tomorrow.


In case some do not know, Kimber had heart surgery last Tuesday to close her PFO
... this reposted from Puffer's SB2 thread:
Originally Posted by Puffer Fish
Kimber is having her heart repaired tomorrow afternoon.... Here is wishing her a speedy recovery.
She will not be with a computer for a couple of days.
Originally Posted by PFO Princess
Well here I am laying in my hospital room with a man behind the curtain to my right sawing logs like a lumberjack and a little lady diagnolly to my lefr who I saw briefly as they wheeled me in here. They have a nurse that stays in here 24/7 to make sure that when they remove the femoral venous and arteriar lines that you don't bleed out.
After they remove them a constrictive band is place across the lower hips covering the site.
gotta get my lines pulled out - more later
Originally Posted by Puffer Fish
Just got this from Kimber:" to me
show details 5:05 pm (13 minutes ago)
I'm home - they released me about 10:30 this am - I was flat on my back with legs totally straight from 3:30pm yesterday afternoon until 7:00am - my back hurt dddddooooooo bad - came home exhausted napped still exhausted - going back to sleep - can't see straight - post this if you like!
Kimber -
PINK --- It's the New Black!!!

Lets see ... Heart surgery at 4pm ... Home at 11am the next day! ... yep, thats gotta be Kimber :D
I believe she had the procedure which is actually done via a catheter inserted at the groin. It's not really heart "surgery", in the sense of having to open the chest. Thus the overnight stay in the hospital isn't quite that outlandish!
I believe she had the procedure which is actually done via a catheter inserted at the groin. It's not really heart "surgery", in the sense of having to open the chest. Thus the overnight stay in the hospital isn't quite that outlandish!
You are quite right, that is what was done .. but still .. pretty remarkable surgery/process at any rate :)
I believe she had the procedure which is actually done via a catheter inserted at the groin. It's not really heart "surgery", in the sense of having to open the chest. Thus the overnight stay in the hospital isn't quite that outlandish!

That would be correct... a bit more than your "lets go look and see what is there", or the putting a stint in.

There are still a lot of things that can go wrong, and fairly scary stuff.

I think the issue is still more about pretending to save money, than patent safety. Having had the catheter inserted at the groin fun, and had a "leaker" later, I'm not a big fan.
Well I started back to school last Thursday --- I'm Psychology --Western Civ and Adaptive Swimming witch basically means I have an instructor that works 1 on 1 setting my own goals and when I am able to be more independant in the water I can join the rest of the class swimming laps --- playing polo etc...

After my second time in the water, I am able to swim on my back --- although I kinda propel at an angle do to the weaknes and spasticity in my left leg. The lack of movemet in my ankle makes my leg really stiff and difficult to kick. I am also able to swim on my belly using my non-effected left arm and kicking both of my legs to move myself through the water. The real trick was being able to stand up when I wanetd to stop swimming. I would land on one foot and hop - hop - slip - hop and not be able to catch my footing --- eventually we worked out a plan for me to get my footing and not drown! My instructor Carla thinks its only a matter of time until I'm swimming the full length of the pool! This is very cool because just less than a month ago I was in a pool and I tried to wim and let's just say --- it's a good thing that I was in the shallow end.

Next mountain to conquer : driving!!
We did my second trial for the Baclofen pump Tuesday Oct. 16 and actually saw some really positive results from the injection. My right hand was opening and closing smoothly like a normal hand and my shoulder flowed fluidlythrough the range of motion without catching. I also had a 50% improvement in my joints in my lower leg as well.

I saw the doctor who ordered the test and he was very pleased with the results and says I'm a candidate for the pump!! :D:D We just have to set up the date to get it done! This is very promising for my quality of life to be able to improve. This is the first time in a very long time I have had a glimmer of hope of getting better.


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