The Boynton Dive Chronicles (new and improved)

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I am, Kim!!!

You really captured the menacing, Dark Overlord of the Deep side of Terri Tim. Good job!

HEY . . . WHAT DA MEAN Dark Overload of the Deep side . . . that's my ONLY and TRUE side :rofl3:

And I thought Kevin LIKED me . . . even just a LITTLE bit :wink:

Kind of a cool pic though . . . wild hair and the reflection in my mask. Tim, great job on the pics !!!
Since we're talking about people's Dark Sides, here's a photo of Kevin working his charm on a Green Moray. This is from Saturday's dive on Black Condo Reef.

Enjoy everyone!!



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Here's another pic from Black Condo Reef on Saturday

Closeup of a Green Moray




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I swear that I can literally hear the snake charmer music in the photo of Kev and the eel!
Hey Everyone! I sent Terry the pics = Im goin to try and post them!


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That takes too long to upload those damn things! I also have Kitty fighting with a lobster somewhere :)

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