The Boynton Dive Chronicles (new and improved)

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Kevin, thank you for the great diving yesterday. Boynton reefs are the most beautiful I've dove in Florida so far.

I'll definitely be back (just a small warning :D).
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Hey, you are double-clamping all those below-the-waterline fittings, right? Not doing so could bring Admiral Rickover back from the beyond and you wouldn't want that.

I'm pretty sure no one would want that! The guy singlehandedly sucked all of the fun out of the Navy. I am double clamping all sea water piping though, because I've had enough fun on submarines.

The problem we were having was a slightly deflected joint in the exhaust. We took out a few more pieces and assembled it outside of the boat then plopped the whole assembly in and it worked. Just had to get all of the "shortcuts" out of my system.

We ran this weekend, and hardy divers were rewarded with some pretty nice diving. The top was pointed and about 2-4 in the mornings building to 3-5 in the afternoon. We had a slight south current, and about 60-70' vis.
Kevin, thank you for the great diving yesterday. Boynton reefs are the most beautiful I've dove in Florida so far.

I'll definitely be back (just a small warning :D).

Hey, it really was my pleasure diving with you, and your group too! I'm glad that you had fun, and look forward to diving with you again.
Hey! Still no pictures, but here's the vitals on the diving...

Seas were flat calm, vis was about 60-70' on the first dive, 50' on the second. Water temps were 75 degrees today and 74 yeasterday. Ed T. was on the boat and hadf a camera, but I don't know if he reads this thread. Hopefully he does and will post some of his pics!

Oh yeah... slight north current as well.

Kevin, your host (ScubaKevDM)

Seth from Boston

Terri (TASDiver1)

Brian (deepstops), his best side...

Hello Kit... err Tim (netmage)

And Nicole (poety) was somewhere hiding....

We started off on the Castor...






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Nice pics Tim and good work helping Kev with the Chronicle. :)
I guess the pics of the jewfish trying steal MY lobster didn't come out?? :D

Just another great day out on Explorer with friends :wink:

Temperatures: My computer was showing a bottom temp of 74 and a surface temp of 75 on the Castor. For the dive on Tabletops, I had 76 top to bottom.
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Nice pics Tim and good work helping Kev with the Chronicle. :)
I guess the pics of the jewfish trying steal MY lobster didn't come out?? :D

Just another great day out on Explorer with friends :wink:

Temperatures: My computer was showing a bottom temp of 74 and a surface temp of 75 on the Castor. For the dive on Tabletops, I had 76 top to bottom.

Uh, you guys are killing me this holiday weekend. Again looks like great fun. Any one up for getting wet next weekend??

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