The Boynton Dive Chronicles (new and improved)

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Dude everyone blew right by your engine trouble. I hope you get it all worked out. I have a friend or two getting out of prision soon who could get you a very good deal on a used one. Actually they could get you a whole boat. You'll have to use the numbers currently assigned to your boat though.

----- The pink bottle at Fill Express is a LEGEND! World Famous even --------------

Sweet! I just rejuvenated the engine a bit, in fact I just got home from working on it. It turns out that there was a leak in addition to the hose. I plopped a brandy new manifold on the port side of the engine, and then repaired the fuel line that I snapped off while I was fixing the manifold! We are ready to run for tomorrow though, as long as I remember to pick up two hose clamps on the way in.
Kev, thanks for a great trip yesterday. We don't make it up to Boynton all that often but it's always worth the trip and I'd say that yesterday was the best yet.

The conditions were perfect with calm seas, gentle current, 79F water temp, and blue water with 60-80ft visibility.

Kev had to stay top side to keep an eye on the boat repairs so Alex dropped us on Briney Breezes for our first dive. This site has a pronounced straight running ledge for easy navigation. Everyone found and stayed on the ledge as planned for an easy first dive. We decided on Lynn's reef for the second dive. This turned out to be a great choice with incredible activity and variety of sea life. We were a little more navigationally challenged on this site as we started on the inside and ended up on the outside of the ledge. I'm not complaining as the lobstering got better as we made our way across the reef to the outside. I actually thought there were too many lobster so I've permanently removed six of them.

Thanks for a great day!
I actually thought there were too many lobster so I've permanently removed six of them.

Doing your part for a bug free world.... :crafty:
I'm going divin:banana: See you tomorrow Kev. Woohoo time to get wet again
I'm going divin:banana: See you tomorrow Kev. Woohoo time to get wet again

Hey Happy Birthday Kim! It was great diving with you again.

I don't have pictures again this week because I just can't stop playing with our brand new exhaust manifold, but I'm making definite progress in that direction. Getting the thing to line up just right so that it doesn't leak is a major pain in the but. Anway, it's minor, an annoyance more than anything else and we're still running trips.

Here's the report from yesterday, sans illustrations:
Seas were a little rough, but not too bad... 2-4' I'd say. The viz was about 35' for the first 45' or so of depth, and then opened up below that to about 50-55'. The water remains chilly, 78 by my Uwatec, 77 on Kim's Oceanic. It's definitely time for me to locate my hood. The current was north and the perfect speed for a great drift dive.

We were lucky enough to have a nice loggerhead swim up to each of us and say hello, as she passed us heading south.
I found a fish that I'd never seen before, a Reef Croaker, Odontoscion dentex. I think that something chased it out of its hole, because her was just sitting there peering into it. They aparantly don't come of the reef much especially during the day, which accounts for me not seeing one before.


Here's someone elses picture of a reef croaker. Sorry about the size, there aren't too many to choose from!
Kev, thanks for going out yesterday when everyone else was telling me we were crazy to go. Turned out to be a pretty good day!

Yeah, not too bad!
Thanks so much for coming and for the illustrations, I love the crab on the moon jelly.

Here's the conditions from, yesterday:

Seas were 2-4'. There was a layer below 35 or so feet of cold murky water ... 76Žº and 20' vis. Once we figured that out we stuck to the shallower sites which had 78º water and about 40 foot vis. The current was a gentle south on all three sites.

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