The Boynton Dive Chronicles (new and improved)

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I guess that was your bottle at Fill Express? It brought a smile to my face :)

It will definitely be a conversation starter with the ladies and the MEN! But I'm sure you've heard all this before.

Man, makes me want to give you a consolation hug.. :(
:missing: HELLO? HELLO?
I'm bored. Ignore those silly Zodiac :shakehead: people who stole your thread. I only check this website to see what you or others have to say about Boynton diving. If you don't have any new news at least post some pictures
:missing: HELLO? HELLO?
I'm bored. Ignore those silly Zodiac :shakehead: people who stole your thread. I only check this website to see what you or others have to say about Boynton diving. If you don't have any new news at least post some pictures
Okay, sorry! The pics are a bit harder to pull off, because I'm having camera difficulties and I just don't have as many to choose from, but I'll transplant the ones I took Saturday during the cancer research benefit trip.

And I'd like to thank Ricky for doing the right thing, no matter what the cost and putting others ahead of himself. Regrettably Poety was ill and couldn't make it, but she was kind enough to stand by her pledge. Thank you Nicole!

I blew the whole guest of honor thing... but at least now everyone knows that I can keep a secret!

Here are some pics from the dives.

scubakevdm/science project - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Tas helped with a Pennsylvania girls science project. Thanks Tas!


Vis on the Castor was about 70-80', vis on the reef for the first 2 dives was 60-70', and then went to poop.






Kitty has a secret.


Two of these guys made close passes at us for the entire dive. Luckily, there were no attacks.


A batfish!


A very laid back coronetfish. This was how the water looked on the last dive.


A magical lobster with eggs grants us three wishes for releasing her. I wished for a coolant leak.
I did end up getting that coolant leak I asked for... in fact I got two. Now I'm wishing for a cheap exhaust manifold for a Cat 3208.
That coronet fish shot is awesome! Love the batfish - we see those fairly often here.
Love the coronetfish photo You had a similar face shot once, I think, of a trumpet. I like that angle I'm going to try that too.
HMMM Lobster=one antenna=not Brian=or maybe later!!!
PS Somehow I guess I missed your last post so sorry for the milk carton
Dude everyone blew right by your engine trouble. I hope you get it all worked out. I have a friend or two getting out of prision soon who could get you a very good deal on a used one. Actually they could get you a whole boat. You'll have to use the numbers currently assigned to your boat though.

----- The pink bottle at Fill Express is a LEGEND! World Famous even --------------
Dude everyone blew right by your engine trouble. I hope you get it all worked out. I have a friend or two getting out of prision soon who could get you a very good deal on a used one. Actually they could get you a whole boat. You'll have to use the numbers currently assigned to your boat though.

----- The pink bottle at Fill Express is a LEGEND! World Famous even --------------

Not everyone :D
I'm the one that asked: why is your bilge water pink?? (like the deco bottle at FE) :D
Kevin found a hose with a small aneurysm that had burst and luckily the Kitty (er, Caterpillar) survived and the trips continue to run unabated.

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