Thank heavens for PADI

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california once bubbled...

Do not confuse class work with effective dive planning, management, or coordination.

As a deep instructor trainer, the deep class (and it’s AOW introduction) is the hardest class to conduct for the instructor.

The classroom is the most appropriate place to discuss management philosophy, theory, all the what-if's, planning and the realities. The field is where the day-to-day pragmatics get reenforced, validated, and practiced. If you're having difficulties, it could be because you've chosen the wrong venue to introduce the material.

Ask any AOW student before the AOW deep dive what is going through their mind. You will find this dive creates the most anxiety.

The Night dive rightfully has high axiety, due to the non-diving-specific psychological effects of the dark and clautrophobia, which can synergistically build off of each other. Check our your students' air consumption rates for day-vs-night.

The 60-foot limit is not artificial but a real barrier to new divers.

The 60fsw limit is just as artificial as the 130fsw limit: both are based in what are essentially good intentions, but there's no inherent physiological mandate to the could have just as easily been a 40fsw rule, or a 66fsw (3 ATM) rule, depending on your risk tolerance.
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If a person ends up in the emergency room on a drug over dose,...and the doc asks what he took..If the person says,..only 3 aspirin,.....should I care what happens to him.

If a person jumps in the water ten years after certification with only his certification dives under his belt ,...should I care what happens to him?

The BAR association forbids lawyers to have sex with their clients,..why?

Too prevent the clients for being charged twice for basically the same service.

We can micro manage the c-card a little further.

I remember when there was a scuba cert and OW cert. The OW required actual ocean, open water. That kind of went away, people are certified in deep pools, fish tanks and catfish junction ponds,...then they can jump on a rig tender in the GUlf, go 20 miles off shore and jump in 100'.,...but their c-card should expire.

Back in catfish junction, there is snow on the ground, so normally they would do their renew cert in the pool, is being cleaned. That's ok,...the standards will allow deviation so not to allow delay of money coming in,....classroom simulation will be accepted!

Most boats in Florida require to see a c-card and list the last three dives on the liability waiver. So you will list three catfish junction dives and beside put a small cs for (Classroom Simulation)

So lets make more money, are climbing on a boat in Florida, so lets see your boat specialty cert,.....You have one from catfish junction that is normally done on a pantoon boat on glass water,..but they lost the boat keys so you simulate it from a dock. That should be close enough for a 50' rig tender, 20 miles off shore bobbing in seas,.. we'll give you some tips on that 15' giant stride jump off the boat. Once I forgot,..the guy had on his 40lb belt he uses in the great lakes,..but do to his rapid descent,.. he got more bottom time.

Your in Florida and there is a 40 degree difference in water temp from CA, so you will need a Florida scuba specialty cert.

It is Manatee season so you will need to show me your Manatee awareness cert.

We will be diving over 60' so you will have to show me your deep diver cert, and rent a pony bottle and computer.

I see you have put down that you are a smoker,...we have determined that regular air is not good enough for smokers, will have to rent NITROX gear,...your NITROX cert please.

Are taking that camera?,......we found an article where a diver held his breath taking a picture 20 years ago, will need a Underwater photo cert. All photos on this dive become the property of our agency and may not be reproduced

You want that mask strap,..I will need to see your Equipment specialty cert,..or I can sell you a very nice backup mask.

It was just reported that the vis is only 15', will need to show me your night/low vis cert. and rent primary and backup lights.

Also PADI has just decided to make Rescue diver certs expire annually, like DM and instructors. All you have to do for this is take a annual medic first aid, cpr class and send PADI $200

OK that almost does it, have met all of the requirements for you first dive,..let's move on to the second. It is a spearfish dive on Black Bart a old tug,

Wreck diver cert please

PADI speargun safety course please

Under water hunter please

Florida spearfishing regulation course card please

Fishing license please.

Zillion dollar liability in case you spear someone insurance please.

Now I have good news and bad news

The bad news,..the boat left 20 min ago.

Good news,...I can give you a Equipment specialty course while they are out and you can take the afternoon boat.

We are taking a poll,...can you think of any reason why there hads been a decline in new diver interest and LDS.

We're not in UTAH? No we are not talking about Lader Day Saints!!!
All this is sounding really cynical. Bah.

Is there really a decline in interest? The data I see doesn't show it. Any local decline you may see is likely due to economic conditions and disposable income - not anything that PADI is "doing" to the sport.

Sheesh - you can't protect yourself from idiots, but I'm not going to let them ruin my day. This isn't like flying, where you are mandated to have specific levels of qualifications to do anything. It's a sport where yes, you CAN dive without any certification. Will a dive charter take a non-c diver out - not likely. But it has nothing to do with a judgement of qualifications, but one of limiting liability.

Let's not confuse the business side and the individual side of diving. Frankly, they don't mix well.
Krisscuba once bubbled...
If a person ends up in the emergency room on a drug over dose,...

Dude! This is like the fourth thread that you've posted this...word for word.

What's up?

It has absolutely nothing to do with anything!

I am A PADI diver and I do not think I would go that far.

how long has Wal-Mart been in the dive training Business??

and have you ever tried to Dive with a Ford strapped to your back ?
Man, I can't believe this thread is still going.

Has anyone read Human History of Sport Diving, Volume 1
by Zale Parry and Albert Tillman?

It appearantly contains
The book includes personal accounts of topics such as:

Diving before the Aqua-Lung
The early dive clubs
The founding of the Los Angles County Underwater Program
Early equipment and texts
The International Underwater Film Festival
The founding of NAUI and the Underwater Society of America
The YMCA program
The Hannes Keller dive
Skin Diver Magazine
NASDS, Dive Magazine, and John Gaffney
Why PADI came to be

Just wondering how "right" it is compaired to others memories of the time.
Do you actually believe PADI is in the dive training business?

Why keep scratching the inflammation? Let's reverse your hypothesis... if PADI is not in the Dive Training Business, what are they in?

If a not-for-profit "business" offers training, they aren't really a business, are they? To my knowledge, PADI doesn't claim they aren't in this to make money. And yes, I agree they are attempting to capitalize every opportunity possible.... and they're pretty good at it.

I won't pretend to judge whether this capitalism is "right" or not. Until I hear compelling evidence that PADI produces an unrepresentational number of diving accidents, I'm not going to spend energy bashing, "dissing", or otherwise bad mouthing the organization.

Do they have practices that I disagree with? Yep. Are they good for Recreational Scuba? Yep.

So, what, in your opinion, is PADI? How is PADI different than your local tech school, rec club, or Martial Arts studio? It seems pretty simple to me... match a market to a product and sell it. In this case, the product is dive training. If the product sucks, and there are better products available, and you want to be non-commissioned salesperson, go for it. I submit that you'd get more sales if you abandonded these types of posts, and explained the "why". (As you often do... but I had to pick on this post to try dissuade the next one.)

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