Here are some of the places that I've plotted on Google Maps.
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The known places are plotted as well, but there are several water holes that aren't named. Some of them maybe watering troughs for cattle, they could be shadows from hills, or they could be other springs that haven't been dove or maybe they've been dove, but not talked about.
Two places that look interesting is the place north east of town and a place east of Rock Lake. The place east of Rock Lake looks like it's surrounded by trees or shrub. I doubt that we could get permission to dive that since I think it's still on Ladyhawk's property. I've also heard of people diving on Twin and Hidden, but I'm not even sure who owns the property or how inviting they would be to divers wanting access.
I'd be into scouting around. We need a few additional dive sites. I imagine that the biggest obstacle is private land. Twin lakes, for example seems like a great (and nearby) site, but its private.
I'm trying to get a group together so that I can teach a class, but if I head down with just my 3 pups, we can go exploring.