I have a conshelf and it is a very nice reg. Aqualung still makes parts for it (same kit as the newer Titans I think) and they breath fine. I was looking for an enviro seal for it when a friend sold me his seald oceanic for cheap. I will still look for an enviro kit and will use the conshelf for a pony tank when I get around to setting one up.
The only issue that they had was that some of the yellow second stages developed cracks in the plastic around the valves. If you look at where the hose attatches some would develop cracks there. If they went all of the way through it was time to retire that second stage.
The only issue that they had was that some of the yellow second stages developed cracks in the plastic around the valves. If you look at where the hose attatches some would develop cracks there. If they went all of the way through it was time to retire that second stage.