What women want?

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I'm about as "girlie" as it gets for a female tech diver. Until recently I had really long hair- I get weekly manicures and monthly pedicures. The guys at the shop used to find it quite amusing (and humbling) when I walked in in carrying 104's- while wearing 3.5" stiletto heels....

I don't have a problem with the girlie stuff, it doesn't really interest me to talk about it, but I would like to see a happy balance with some more serious issues along the lines of the ones Mania and others have mentioned. Personally I think the discussions on kid related issues could be very helpful to a lot of women, I see lots who learn to dive and then quit when they have kids- such a shame!
This thread has been so amusing reading that it itself is worth printing and bringing to some women's (lesbians') conference.



kid related issues could be very helpful to a lot of women, I see lots who learn to dive and then quit when they have kids- such a shame!

yes, I would like to see more child rearing shared by adventurers as opposed to the room mom crowd...no offense to them but I never got on their program.

Instilling self confidence, raising girls (and boys) to be confident is so interesting. Yet, I find there is no voice for it, an audible one anyway, above the shrill paranoia of the mothers all worried about molesters, abductors, and swimming after you eat.
thank you God for not giving me a mother like that
I'm about as "girlie" as it gets for a female tech diver. Until recently I had really long hair- I get weekly manicures and monthly pedicures. The guys at the shop used to find it quite amusing (and humbling) when I walked in in carrying 104's- while wearing 3.5" stiletto heels....

How awesome! I think wedge heels and 72s are about the best I can do right now. :D

I just clip my nails before diving. Less painful than sacrificing them one at a time. :wink:
I guess I don't understand why you see this as an 'either/or' option. According to you, if a woman is interested in her hair, nails and makeup in diving she can't possibly have a brain and be interested in other diving-related issues such as the DCS you keep quoting. You keep repeating yourself over and over. They can DO BETTER than what? Whose standards? Yours? Feel free to have the highest standards you want for yourself, if that's what makes you happy.

And for what it's worth, I happen to be a nail tech and I am keenly interested, from a professional perspective in any nail-related issues within the diving environment.

This POV is exactly what I was going to post! It's not either/or.

And I happen to have grease under my nails, bruises on my thigh (from opening the trailer and sliding out the- heavy- aluminum plate we load cars onto, and sweat everywhere. I really, really LIKE pretty nails- I even pay for them on occasion! But my job makes them hard to keep up- both due to time and due to hard, manual labor.

I defy any woman who looks down on women who like girlie things to say this to me:

Don't you see that you are following the path that has been drawn ages ago? That this is OK if women are interested in girlie stuff more than in anything else?
Somewhere beneath this way of thinking lies (and none will admit this as this is subconscious) the feeling "becasue we are not capable of other things, we are only girls and this is what we have been told for ages, so it must be true".
It's not.

Maybe I missed it- but I don't recall anyone in this thread posting that it's OK if women are interested in girlie stuff more than in anything else. Oh, and, btw, it is OK- if a woman likes girlie stuff more than anything else that's her perogative. Not mine, mind you. But hers. And part of me (the part with the grease under the nails!) will be a little envious.

How in the world did this thread go from the OP to the battle between the bra burning feminists and the Victoria's Secret crowd? I think most of us posting here are somewhere in between!
Look at Trucker Girl, for example, her profession is DEFINITELY dominated by men... as a truck driver in the car haul industry. She also holds her own.

:blinking: Thank you!

I even learned to drive stick going up two foot-wide aluminum ramps at about a 45 degree angle to the ground. Does that qualify me for being a strong woman despite the fact that I color my hair from time to time?
well, at least I don't scrapbook

or play bunco

I'm telling you the officer's wives are a rough bunch...
trucker girl:
How in the world did this thread go from the OP to the battle between the bra burning feminists and the Victoria's Secret crowd? I think most of us posting here are somewhere in between!

:rofl3: :rofl3:
I'm telling you the officer's wives are a rough bunch...

Officer's wives can be the worst! Nothing like a bunch of women who think that they're all that and a bag of chips based on their husband's accomplishments! And then they form a club based on that criteria!:rofl3:

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