What women want?

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I need to keep my distance so that I don't say "why is your husband such a dopey lazy buck passing suck up coward?" ...I mean if you are playing bunco and having pitchers of margaritas (like they always seem to be doing) doesn't that all come out?

no sirree...I'm stayin in here with you guys where it's safe.
What in the hell is bunco?
well, at least I don't scrapbook

or play bunco

I'm telling you the officer's wives are a rough bunch...
you ever attended a stiches & craft expo???

im telling you, those Scrapbookers are TOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!
im telling you, those Scrapbookers are TOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is exactly why I don't do them! I don't have that kind of talent! :D

TRH... don't feel bad, Chica... I don't have a clue what Bunco is either. :)

Catherine... safe in cyberspace! LOL :D
Bunco... is that Bocce with booze???

Is Bocce an aussie thing?

Runs to find Australian slang dictionary....
I thought this thread was to discuss what you would want on a womans diving course???
I think everyone has valid points here and personally I would love to have been told what sunscreen etc to wear, and to have had the oppurtunity to leer at some hunky guys too... :D But i would also love to have an oppurtunity to ask others (with more experience) about what happens to the womans body under pressure. for example has anyone else had sharp pains in their breasts while diving??
I did and had noone to ask about it so Of course I freaked out and went to the doctor...
(turns out it was nothing) :D

but It would have been nice to ask another, more experienced, female diver what was happening at the time.

Just My 5 cents though..
Another good point, Dive Class!

Oh... and I think we're trying to figure out if there should be bocce and booze if such an event ever materializes. :D
What is Bocce? Is that what we call bowling? Hmmm...

It seems to be croquet, but you throw the ball instead of using a mallet. With booze, that could be very dangerous. That Almitywife has a wicked sense of humor. :D

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