What women want?

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Just shoot the the bad guys...it is a lot easier. :D

You women scare me! :11:

Ladies, I know this is your forum but I’d like to toss in an observation.

Dave, your opinion is always welcome IMO!

To support your post, I can say that many of the men I am friends with and work with support the fact that I can and will do this job alone- even if only because my husband drove all night and it's time to deliver the car at 8 am! But there are a few who complain about it- and try to cause problems for my husband by talking about him and/or trying to get me upset about it. I'll never understand that attitude- what business is it of theirs?

This trip I had to learn how to put a drill bit in the drill, drill out rivets and use a rivet gun. I wasn't too happy about it either (I was on I 80 in Nevada, 100 degrees out, and I had hoped to be parked for the night already when the culprit sheet of aluminum came loose!). But I did it- and I'm a better person because of it.

Plus, women who use tools are hot (or so I'm told :blinking: ).
trucker girl:
Plus, women who use tools are hot (or so I'm told :blinking: ).

No truer words were ever spoke! "Here honey (me to my lovely bride), try welding this!" Sadly she says "Forget it, I know what your are doing."

Well that and cowboy boots!:wink:

I've got cowboy boots, power tools and I'm cocked and loaded. I must be really hot. :rofl3:
Well then, men should be eager to change those diapers.

They never thought that was so hot....hmmm, talk about playin dumb. Yet, ..do we refer to them as blonde?

okay..I'd settle for loading the dishwasher. Don't ask me to pay, and I'll do ALL the dirty work.
Well then, men should be eager to change those diapers.

They never thought that was so hot....hmmm, talk about playin dumb. Yet, ..do we refer to them as blonde?

okay..I'd settle for loading the dishwasher. Don't ask me to pay, and I'll do ALL the dirty work.

Catherine, We (men) are not all that smart but we are smart enough to know when to be really dumb!:wink:

trucker girl:
So are women with guns...

I love shooting, AND I have good aim! What a rush! :D

TRH... you crack me up, girl! :D

I also know how to use power tools, and will frequently take the drill (or whatever other interesting looking power tool) away from my husband cause I want to do it. My control issues have nothing to do with it! :D

I know how to do some wiring! That's hot too! :)

I once rewired the thermostat in the house cause when I woke up it was freezing cold! Rod was already gone on his truck route. I told him that the heater wasn't working, the thermostat was dead and I was gonna buy a new one and rewire it! He said... "Don't, please!" I said... "Oh, c'mon... how hard could it be!?!" Off to Lowes, I went! I asked the sales guy, what kind of thermostat I needed for a gas heater, cause none of the thermostats said anything about electric or gas... Well, I learned that it doesn't matter what kind of heater you have... a thermostat is a thermostat. Fair enough... I bought one. I took it home, took the old one apart, noting which color wire went where. Took the new thermostat out, and wired it up. Except... the new one had an extra wire... a color that wasn't on the other one! Well... I called Hunter (the company that made the 'stat), and got it all figured out! Yes! This woman can do some wiring!!! Well, the thermostat kicked on. While the house was warming up (all night... it had gotten pretty cold!), we camped out in the living room and had a slumber party in front of the fireplace. (The kids thought that was cool!) The next morning, despite the furnace running for 12 hours, it still said 60 degrees! Some time later... at nearly the 24 hour mark, Rod decided to check my wiring... then he went outside... then he came back in and said... "Yup, that's it! Just what I suspected." I said, "What?" He said, "You wired the furnace AND the air conditioner to run at the same time! They've both been running for almost 24 hours!"

I said, "Hey, this woman multi-tasks!" He fixed it! But hey... this woman is a cool hottie! :D
trucker girl:
If someone asks a question you can't assume it's the only thing they care about.
Well, have a look at threads in this forum. How many are there about DCS? And how many about diving and cosmetics, hair, swimming suits,piing in the water, on the boat without a toilet, or menstruation and diving. Find at least ONE thread about DCS related issues - whether DCS is gender neutral or not. I once posted a thread about ICD (which I think may not be gender neutral) and none of the ladies posted. NOT A SINGLE woman but Gene Hobbs with few valuable links.
another thread that may be interesting - while breast feeding - diving or not. Nitrogen is in almost each cell, this includes milk (sorry for not the very medical vocabulary - I'm not very good in this in English, much better in Polish). So do I pass the nitrogen to my child and what effect it could have? Do you think there is no such question becasue the answer is very simple? Honestly - I'm not sure this is the reason....

trucker girl:
And if I just paid $150 to have my hair done, I want to know what I can do to preserve the color/cut/quality whatever.
Go to have your hair done after the diving becasue nothing is going to save it. Simple....

trucker girl:
How about assuming that women who ask "what women want" questions want to know the girlie stuff IN ADDITION to the gender-neutral aspects of diving.
This is my major worry - I can't see them discussing serious diving stuff related to women.

trucker girl:
And women, in general, tend to have longer hair than men and tend to wear more make-up and be more concerned about fashion.
I have long hair (down to waist). And I manage them somehow. And I don't wear make up while diving. What's the point, anyway?

trucker girl:
Absolutly nothing providing they ARE interested in other than Girlie stuff in diving - which in this forum I can't find the proof for.
As for your question whether I'm a mother - no I'm not. Still - look at the rest of my post - many questions asked can be answered by themsleves. It's enough to think based on the knowledge we all should have about biology and anathomy from elementary school. as a matter of fact - physics which was earlier quoted as too difficult - needed for diving is an elementary school programm. At least here in Poland it's taught to 12 yo kids (6th grade and we star elementary schol at the age of 7). So really is it so diffucult women can't cope with it? Boyle's , Henry's laws - basic stuff - laws abour gases.

But for some women, leading more ordinary lives, we need advice at times on how to stand our own in mixed sports, where the men always seem to think they are running the show.
But they do have brain, don't they? So why don't they use it?
When I was at school and approached my Mother with homework I didn't understand her answer was - THINK until you will find the solution. THINK!!!!

And then all these ordinary women (the description I disagree with) will find out that they are great women capable of much more they thought. Which I'm absolutly positive about - they can do more they think they can.

Mania- I think that your views are very one-sided. I don't take the time to tear apart someone's post and put it in quoted sections... but... I will say:

--Just because a lady doesn't post questions about DCS in the women's forum doesn't mean they aren't interested in it or what the different physiological effects on women are. There is a dive medicine forum for a reason.
--I'm sure that there are many breast-feeding women that avoid diving because they don't know the effects of the pressures and nitrogen buildup will have on their body and/or the milk production. Do they really need to avoid diving, or is there a certain depth and time limit that they should abide by? These are questions that I don't know... and this topic could possibly provide some valuable info... long answers or short... the information could be invaluable for some ladies.
--As for "hair"... how do you know that "nothing is going to save it"? A perm will last for months (for me, over a year)... a color treatment will also last months on some ladies. Are you saying that ladies should not have a color treatment or perm (or whatever) if they're going to dive? What about those that spend lots of money to have their hair colored for their wedding, and they go diving on the honeymoon... they want to know IF there is anything out there to help preserve the treatment. What is so wrong with that? Same thing goes for fake nails... those sets aren't cheap! I've heard that putting on a wetsuit can be quite a feat if you have them. What's so wrong with getting pointers to make it easier and preserve the nails?
--You say that you can't see a conference discussing girlie stuff in addition to the gender neutral stuff. Lemme say, I prefer to know both! I can hang with the guys anytime, and fit in quite well doing so... but, I do like to be a lady too. You're remark was rather sexist, and I take it to mean that this is a "man's" sport, and ladies stuff doesn't belong.
--As for make-up... some people have skin conditions that make them uncomfortable in public if they don't have makeup on. On a different note-- if someone finds a waterproof mascara or eye liner that they want to wear while diving... why does it matter to you? Who cares? If you don't want the info, don't read the post/thread, or don't attend that part of a conference. Simple.
--What if some ladies are into diving but tend to migrate towards "girlie" things in the dive industry (pink or colored gear, womens events, etc)? Does that mean that since they aren't interested in the gender neutral or "man" stuff that they shouldn't be a diver? In my opinion, that's a very closed minded way of thinking.
--Trucker Girl did not ask you if you were a mother. I did. Trust me, an elementary school education does NOT teach you all you need to know about the difference between male and female anatomy and physiology! I'm surprised that one would even think that.
-- I agree with the Catherine's post that you commented on. Just because someone has a brain doesn't mean they'll always have the right answer. Sometimes, no matter how hard a person might "think" the "thinking" is on the wrong track. Sometimes a little nudge in the right direction is greatly appreciated. A women's conference could prove to be invaluable for the ladies of the dive community.

I'm not sure why you seem to have such a negative viewpoint on the whole "women's" thing. Maybe a little more open-mindedness would help you see that there are strong validities in the ideas that all these women have posted. You are entitled to your point of view, just like everyone else. But, I must say, I would have expected something a bit more open-minded from a mod.

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