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hehehehe... you are one of the people I love to hate.......(just kidding)...I am an investment advisor in Ontario. My background is in Civil Engineering, however when I found the salesmen were making more than I was designing the project I quit and entered the sales field. I have been in the investment business for 14 years, and I plan on staying in it until the diving industry pays more ( again in jest)..................
Butch, I am going to a NASAA meeting next month about the new IARD registration system. Don't make me talk to my northern counterparts about you. (I am just kidding as well.)

I'm a software architect/developer developing enterprise applications in Java... currently working in the finance sector. Best part of working in my job is that our company's growth is rocketing - I've worked in Sydney, Melbourne and now San Francisco, and will be doing stints in New York and London over the next 3 years.

Looks like I'll be getting a drysuit one day - its getting colder... and colder... and colder...
Originally posted by CuriousMe
Hi Chad,

POS is Point of Sale...not sure what the other meaning is?

Piece Of ... uh... Something with four letters.
Nerd.................I am a field engineer for Hitachi Data Systems.
Responsible for ensuring that MSDW and Cheveron Texaco's SAN's and NAS's work...fun fun fun!!!!!

Next time you look out your office window and see a truck drive past wave it might be me.

But I doubt it seeing though I'm up here and most of you are down there. :)
Everytime I get asked this in public I get a stupid expression on my face and wonder if someday I'll get respectable and have an easy answer. I fear we are a multiple personality.
Usually its...what day is today? Which hat am I wearing? I am a :

Certified Legal Investigator with 30 years in the field...who was editor publisher of a glossy mag for several years....who is a licensed race horse trainer and used to show jumpers professionally...who writes both fiction and non-fiction...who just retired as fire chief of a rural volunteer service (but still acts as EMS co-ordinator and responds to medical emergencies) .... who is an EMT-I and part of the state disaster team...who does computer graphics and manuals for husband's software company and acts as cultural advisor for same company...who in 1974 rode a horse from Minneapolis to San Francisco and would have liked to make a career outta that...who actually has figured out a way to get paid for quite a few of these occupations and avocations but is beginning to do much more for love and a lot less for $$$...as soon as the ship comes in...I'm just gonna DIVE!!


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