The Boynton Dive Chronicles (new and improved)

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They are ?????. They blow in every once in a while for a couple of days and then we don't see them for a while. If they are around there are some precautions that you can take against being stung. One is to bundle up with a wetsuit, hood and gloves, another is, as BigSage said look up as you near the end of your ascent, and thridly coming up in the center of your bubbles. I've seen one sting in the last five years of full time DMing. They are actually kinda cool.

The MOW was cool or the sting was cool?

Woo, Here's a report for yesterday with another special stinging surprise! Tiggr came down yesterday from the north and we had fun diving. I had to take maze coral pictures on the first dive, but while I was doing that, I found a patch of staghorn coral! Staghorn coral was recently put on the endangered species list because it is disappearing at an alarming rate. Like 97% of it is gone from 10 years ago. Anyway, I found some, and documented it.


The staghorn coral on Clubhouse.

Vis was pretty good, 60 feet or so, the current was slight and to the north. Water temp was 78º.I found a big (as goldentails go) goldentailed moray, but mostly I was looking for maze coral. The super duper stinging surprise cam at the end of the first dive, just below the surface... a stinging cauliflower jelly. He about 2' tall and 1 1/2' across. The long stinging tentacles were about 20' long and went in all directions. It was very difficult to get close enough to get a passable shot off with out getting stung, but I made it without incident. It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen underwater.


The stinging cauliflower.

The second dive was on Lynn's. The current picked up a little, and the vis dropped off considerably to something like 40', but there was all kinds of excitement. The most impressive site was Tiggr's performance of an underwater interpretive dance piece that she's been working on up north.


Tiggr's piece. This particular part is about everyday drudgery and routine. Karl, the main character schleps off to his job, briefcase in hand, so weighted down with work that Karl's legs can barely support it. It was truly a magnificent dance.
Cool pics Kevin.
Hey thanks! Okay, here's the one for Sunday. Seas were a litlle rambunctious all day. We started out in 2-5 in the morning and ended up in 3-5 in the afternoon. Viz was 60 feet or so on the southern drops (dive 1 of each trip) and 40ish up north (dive 2 of each trip). Watertemps were between 77 and 78º. The current ranged from nonexistant to very very mild and was always to the north. There was something of a Scubaboard gathering in the afternoon With RJP, divedivedivecfl, and Whale Whisperer. Alex B. was also there, but he's not on the board... yet.

In the morning we did black condo and then Lynn's all the way to the jump. Actually, Black Condo had better than 60' vis at some points. I realize this now as I flip through the pictures that I took on the dive and notice the picture of divers about 80 feet away that I took to remind myself that the vis was better than 60 in places.


An adolescent queen anglefish on Black Condo.


A tiger's paw sea cucumber on Clubhouse.


A pretty big stingray on Clubhouse. I thinnk this is a different species than the southern, but I can't remember what it's called... rough back or rough tailed, something like that. We don't see these as much.
Wow. Great shot of the Jelly. Hopefully it was not hanging out at the boat ladder.
SB member Nuno is down from his area of the country and we went diving yesterday and today.


SB member Nuno peeping out a nice lobster on Gazebo.


Thank you so much for taking and posting the pic.

I thoroughly enjoyed diving with you at UW Explorers, had a great time on all dives and got to see a very cool mix of creatures. I will post a more detailed report later, along with some of my pics, just wanted to leave my recommendation for your operation.

Thanks again,

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