The compass issue is a long standing issue with the teric. My first time, I talked with Richard @ divetronic and he said it was a known issue. received new teric back and still continued to have problems where it would lose calibration almost every other day if not everyday. On land it seemed fine but underwater i would get erroneous readings where north would be east or west or south, etc. a few min later it could be fine then mess up again some time later. The second time (and i won’t name names) but i had a new teric hand delivered to me from shearwater. i was told this one was bench tested for a week+ without issue. Got it here in hawaii and same erroneous issues randomly. A service tech who was in the carribean also said the compass on the teric had issues where he was. I dunno. i’ve pretty much decided it must be all the iron ore in the volcanic rock in hawaii.