Springs' Conditions

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They are hoping to conduct the Cavern and Intro IEC at Ginnie this weekend Right now it's looking good but as Wendy noted the water levels may change call be you go

Thnaks, im going to call on Thursday, if there open, were going, hopfully we can finalley get some diving in :wink:
Morrison Springs is absolutely nasty right now. The river must have backed it up pretty badly. The water is muddy, a nasty dark tea color, and smells like rotten bunghole. Visibility at 1-2' I would guess. Felt alot warmer than what I understand its supposed to feel like. Good news is that I found it without any problems, it was the first time ever visiting Morrison and I can't wait to get back when its back to its normal condition of cool, clear, spring water. Looks much more natural than Vortex, which would be an excellent change.

Shot from the beach.

Just over ankle high in the water and you can barely see my feet, this doesn't count as a dive does it? LOL Not going in any farther when vis up the road is phenominally better!

Didn't dive it, drove up the road to Vortex instead. Vortex is still clear and cool, I guess it pretty much always is eh? :wink:
Crap, we had planned on PC tommorrow, and thats not gonna happen. BAckup plan was morrison. Thought the river was back down, but guess thats out. Thanks for the info. THat was great timing. Plan is for vortex now.
No prob.

If you guys visit it, before I get back over that way, and find the conditions are back to normal - let us know. I'd really like to dive it.
Saturday we went to Jackson Blue Spring, and it was clear as ever. Damn hydrilla is all over everything else in the pond though, as usual. Sunday we went to Vortex, and it was clear also. Students didnt even muck it up that much. Frickin cold though...
Anything at Jackson Blue Spring to see for simple OW divers? Your description states its a large cave system, how is the basin around it? Worth a trip to see if I can't penetrate it? Perhaps I need to get cave cert'd - open up alot more dive locations for me :p
Technically, you cant dive it from the park, unless you are intro level certified. However, you can swim under the fence if you come by boat. There isnt much in the basin to see for OW divers, just the usual fish and such. The cavern is quite safe for cavern divers, and probably even OW divers if everyone stays within their limits. There is the potential to easily get in trouble if you do not.
Gotcha, I'll stay away from that one for now. Even though some of the caverns look easy, I'd rather take a cavern course to see if it'd teach me more on procedure than I already know for the situation. I believe I would be fine, however, I'd like the training to reassure that I'm not missing anything :)

Cavern diving sounds good, I don't have any desire to go swimming up any caves though :wink:
Ive found that in a lot of these safer caverns, that are big and high flow, the most important thing is not to panic. You cant surface but you could swim out if you keep your head. Beyond that, staying within your limits will keep you safe. ANything more challenging than that requires special techniques and gear. Im treading in dangerous water here becuase Im making it sound easy, but I beleive people can figure out things for themselves. But, for those who cant, get trained.
I believe it would be within my limits, but without the training associated with caverns, I really don't know for sure? LOL

I'm never oblivious to my depth, RBT, tank pressure, and I always dive with a buddy. I'd like to think that I wouldn't panic if a situation would arise. I've always been level headed in above water situations, but I've never been in any kind of a UW trouble. I understand the cavern at Ginnie has been deemed accessible to OW divers, how do they compare? I'm definately taking a look at the cavern in Ginnie come Oct.

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