SouthEast Florida Conchs Holiday Gathering: SAVE THE DATE!

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That was YOU with the Vaseline chasing me around the neighborhood? So, THAT'S where those nightmares come from! I think my therapist want's to have a talk with you!

(PS... you promithed you would never tell, you beatht, you!)
Remember our fourth of July dive this year? Are you ready to commit to "The New Year"... ?
Is ther room for one more, maybe two if I can talk my nondiving wife into attending? It is good if she comes, sober driver, and good if she does not come, don't need to be on my best behavior.:sleigh:
So, who is coming, and do I need to bring?:popcorn:

You are most welcome to come. It's going to be lots of fun with all the Conchs and Jenny is our wonderful host. PM her and she will give you her address. Just being something to drink or eat. I think we are in need of soda's and snacks oh also pasta but you are coming from a far distance so you might want to stay with soda's and snacks.
COOL, Steve's coming!!! Er, I mean Ed. Ed, why do I always want to call you Steve? I guess I'm just a :dork2:. By all means bring the Mrs.!

Me thinks Debby wants the thread back on track, rightfully so, but gosh this has been some funny stuff. :popcorn:
Just being something to drink or eat....

Becky, if he is going to "be" the eat or drink is that not enough of a sacrifice? :wink::D

btw, that cut still hurts :wink: though worthy and it has made me smile a couple times tonight.
Um, Becky, ektess is a local... :wink:
Hey Debby nice to see you here:D Looks like the Party has already begun. Just dont tell them if you are good or bad cuz they jump fast around here:rofl3:
Well than should I make sure you guys have a place to stay. Ocean view?????:eyebrow::eyebrow: Sunrises, Sunsets nice jetty and has a beach. :rofl3::rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:

Oh the pay backs are hell here................ All I had to do is sit back and wait...:rofl3::rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:
Like always... lol
MissD this thread is hilarious but honestly I can't seem to ever remember that he is Ed and not Steve for some odd reason!!! I must have known a Steve in a past life who looks like him or something.

Too bad I was too busy today to drop in here and see what y'all are talking about with Becky and colors. :confused:
Becky, if he is going to "be" the eat or drink is that not enough of a sacrifice? :wink::D

btw, that cut still hurts :wink: though worthy and it has made me smile a couple times tonight.

I'm having problems keeping up again and typing way to fast.:rofl3:

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