SouthEast Florida Conchs Holiday Gathering: SAVE THE DATE!

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Hey Debby nice to see you here:D Looks like the Party has already begun. Just dont tell them if you are good or bad cuz they jump fast around here:rofl3:
Only Santa Claus knows for sure. Haven't you ever heard the song? :rofl3:
Is ther room for one more, maybe two if I can talk my nondiving wife into attending? It is good if she comes, sober driver, and good if she does not come, don't need to be on my best behavior.:sleigh:
So, who is coming, and do I need to bring?:popcorn:

If things continue like this extra, extra :popcorn: will be required.
MissD this thread is hilarious but honestly I can't seem to ever remember that he is Ed and not Steve for some odd reason!!!

Deb - friend to friend, perhaps you should drink less next time or write his name down before you fall asleep :idk: Just trying to help here. move on people - nothing to see.

Okay I am going to run for my life now. Deb just remember I luv you :sprint::burnout:
Only Santa Claus knows for sure. Haven't you ever heard the song? :rofl3:

Dangit I should have thought of that one.. Good one Debby:D
Colors have meanings and I did'nt know that when I made a post so I changed it and than Jenny said dont but it was to late. It was funny. I used red and green for Christmas colors but in the wrong paragraphs so it could be read a few ways.
::standing here alone in the middle of the ScubaBoard parking lot::

Hey, where'd everyone run off to? :lotsalove:

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