SouthEast Florida Conchs Holiday Gathering: SAVE THE DATE!

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Jim has slept with half the people in the Conch forum but don't read anything more into that than what I wrote :wink:
Well, that's absolutely true!

When someone says "sleep", by god I truly believe they mean "sleep" :cool2:
Well, that's absolutely true!

When someone says "sleep", by god I truly believe they mean "sleep" :cool2:

"Those arn't pillows...."
I think what she means is that she's made so many people happy it's hard to come up with just a few. :wink: Plus, she's not a name dropper.

No that would not be it at all. I was at a lose of words. I would have been on here sooner but my computer went down. Proud to say not many.
I don't have names to drop.'d like your name to be dropped CT????:eyebrow:

CT and I have never even slept in the same house much less the same bed. We are friends and that's all. He likes to joke around. He has visions at times I think:wink: Oh I take that back the Invasion this year he and Krista slept upstairs in the house.. Sorry CT I forgot.

You know I post and you guys jump right on it. You know there were other girls who posted before me about the same thing.
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Becks and I go wayyyyy back :wink:
Dood! I think this is more wishful thinking (or dreaming) on your part! :D
CT and I have never even slept in the same house much less the same bed. We are friends and that's all. He likes to joke around. He has visions at times I think:wink:
Un-true... We've slept in the same house, never in the same bed ... We are really good friends (and understand what the other is going through), and that is everything to our relationship (anyone needs to know)!

Yes, I love to joke around! I definitely have visions at times (mostly when high on rum!)
Jim has slept with half the people in the Conch forum but don't read anything more into that than what I wrote :wink:
So, that would be with all the women and... uh... you??? Is there a fetish here that he's not telling us about?

It's not hard to see someone's dark side... just ask them to bend over! :D
Dood! I think this is more wishful thinking (or dreaming) on your part! :D
On your part, or mine? I was in on the first "Reunion" with Becks... for the sake of virtue... 'nough said :cool2: (as stated...)
So, that would be with all the women and... uh... you??? Is there a fetish here that he's not telling us about?

It's not hard to see someone's dark side... just ask them to bend over! :D
Pete, you forget... I've slept with you (in the same room) too :D By the way... Breakfast on you the next morning was excellent!

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