SouthEast Florida Conchs Holiday Gathering: SAVE THE DATE!

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I wish I was closer, cuz I'd come.

I'd bring the Goldschlager and Aftershock! Shots anyone?!?

Mmmmmm, Jello......
I wish I was closer, cuz I'd come.

I'd bring the Goldschlager and Aftershock! Shots anyone?!?

USAirways has a few non-stops a day from PHX to FLL and then you meet all the Cool Conch People. After that, you might even say hello to us in the chat room :cool:
Hmm, lemme see what I can do... -giggle-

Ok, my paypal account is set up, and I'm accepting donations! -giggle-
Is ther room for one more, maybe two if I can talk my nondiving wife into attending? It is good if she comes, sober driver, and good if she does not come, don't need to be on my best behavior.:sleigh:
So, who is coming, and do I need to bring?:popcorn:

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