I was trying to make multiple points but the primary point was being that OW divers "should" have already received all the training they need to dive solo and utilizing the buddy system is only "recommended". Now, with what many of us see today we have to wonder just what dive op certified these people... Perhaps watching training videos on a smart phone that are interrupted 50 times with ventures into one's various social media accounts followed by self tests that don't actually score someone but just tell them what the correct answer was and why doesn't work quite as well as spending two FULL weekends of hours in an old fashioned class room environment in a group setting with in-pool training. Oh well, times change I guess and in an era in which people are too lazy to go to a grocery store and have an anxiety attack if their smartphone loses coverage for more than a few minutes how can one expect them to sit in a class room at a dive op for 2 weekends of classes and training without being medicated?
So, if today an additional "solo certification" may make these people somewhat better divers because they didn't learn much from their initial certification, I can see it. I just don't want some dive op telling me after 17 years of diving and taking REAL dive classes that I can't dive solo if I don't have a buddy or to be forcefully buddy'd up with one these modern smartphone certified divers in order to dive. Heck, years ago I went out on a dive boat in the FL Keys that enforced the buddy system. The buddy I was assigned wanted to drop to the bottom under the anchored boat and squirt 3 cans of Easy Cheese into the water feeding the fish for an hour! I looked at her and gave her the "you OK" sign, she responded and off I went on my own... Later "Buddy".
Yes, I do exclusively dive the 3rd world and have been for years now because for what I personally like to see, the diving is better but to each their own. Furthermore, most dive ops in the 3rd world are not going to enforce this nonsense because $ talks and when one signs the General Waiver that everyone is required to sign be it there or in the US, in the 3rd world that wavier actually means something. In the US dive ops know that waiver is worthless in a US court of law.
I have enjoyed reading your posts on this thread. I am just curious if you were a navy diver and if not what type of REAL dive classes have you taken?