Isn't that what anyone would do before separating?
It's not what I would do. At all. If I was buddied up with an unknown diver who said "I'm going to sit on the bottom for an hour feeding fish with canned cheese", I would tell the diver I'm not interested in doing that, to please find another buddy and/or I'd speak to a crewmember or DM and tell them that I will not be buddying with this particular diver and give them the reasons why, including but not limited to why divers aren't supposed to feed easy cheese to reef fish.
I wouldn't just say "Ok you're doing your own dive I'll check on you when you hit the bottom and then you're on your own". It's irresponsible. Especially if I don't know anything about that diver's skill level and comfort level being on their own. She could have freaked out finding herself suddenly alone with nothing but a can of easy cheese and a few hungry fish for comfort, or had an equipment issue- and shot for the surface and embolized. It happens.