Scuba Sciences Regulator Repair Problem

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You've got to be kidding, right? You made EVERY attempt? All he wanted was his money back! You didn't even attempt the one thing the customer asked for! Great business sense you guys have out in AZ. :shakehead

Now now. Not every business in AZ is like that. Please don't pass judgement based on one business.
This has gotton to be a long thread. I read all the post tonight. I wish to commend cjust and the dive buddies that were with him "great job".

As I see it this issue could be put to rest very easily. Scuba Sciences accept the fact that this incenent "could" have been caused by a human oversite and say "Rick you got a great idea with your final torque check that we are also implementing imediately". Cjust I understand that you want a refund. Scuba Sciences has offered you more than the refund in services they will provide for you if you will let them. I understand that your faith in their services is at an all time low. If I were the tech I'd offer you the opertunity to observe what is involved with servicing your regulator if you could spare the time. We are all human and I know that I have blundered and made mistakes in my professional and personal life. I try to learn and improve from them. BTW I work as an electrical/instrument technition for a power producer so I guess I'm understanding what might have happened.

You all need to reach an understanding and put this matter to rest.

I have learned a lot from this thread so don't feel bad about starting it. I learned that I need to check all my connections in my pre-dive check. Thanks Rick for helping me to know what to do if my LP hose were to suddenly be sheared for what ever reason.

Scuba Board is where I have learned a lot about diving and ways to keep myself alive while diving. Thank to all of you for your contributions in the many threads that I have read.
Good attitude and post, Frank. I think at this point, I take exception to the fact that Scuba Sciences refuses to acknowledge even the possibility of what you state: "We are all human and I know that I have blundered and made mistakes in my professional and personal life."

They don't have to take responsibility, but they shouldn't foreclose any and all possibility that it was their mistake, and they should at least assure the customer that they'll be doublechecking this in the future. Their attitude is more like, "You can't prove we did it, and we're not changing our behavior one bit. You can either accept this by letting us continue to service your equipment, or you can take a hike." After a dangerous and scary OOA accident, I'd hope for a bit more, too.
all of you need to look at some thing Scuba Sciences has a no refund policy ...
if you go to a store or a shop or a service center and they have a no refund policy you do not get your money back ...
cjust asked for his money back the answer is no refund .
you all can come to the 2 Scuba Sciences stores and talk to paul or tinna
but this needs to stop (bashing) of Scuba Sciences

thank you
Thomas McLaughlin
but this needs to stop (bashing) of Scuba Sciences

thank you
Thomas McLaughlin

This is not bashing, this is addressing an issue that apparently is of interest to several dozen posters and the over 6500 people who have viewed this thread. Scuba Science's is welcome to any policy they would like to have, but don't expect the rest of the diving community to sit by and shut up because it is bad for business. We didn't write their policy, and we aren't the ones who are dogmatically sticking by a policy that is shooting us in the foot.

I don't know who you are or if you have any relation to Scuba Sciences, but this is ScubaBoard and people come here to discuss diving related topics. A failure of a piece of dive equipment on the first dive after servicing is of interest to us. The response of the shop is also of interest...

No one here is bashing the shop. They made their choices and we have discussed them. I'm assuming you wouldn't mind if we were to open another thread to talk about how great they are, would you? :D
all of you need to look at some thing Scuba Sciences has a no refund policy ...
if you go to a store or a shop or a service center and they have a no refund policy you do not get your money back ...
cjust asked for his money back the answer is no refund .
you all can come to the 2 Scuba Sciences stores and talk to paul or tinna
but this needs to stop (bashing) of Scuba Sciences

thank you
Thomas McLaughlin

Have they offered the OP an in store certificate? Is the OP insisting on cash?

And let's face it. Had that connection been tightened to Zeagle spec, it would not have come loose without someone taking a couple wrenches to it. The bashing will likely continue until the store acknowledges that it probably failed to tighten the connection properly and then does what is right. I suspect this has already cost the store more than any refund and the losses are unlikely to stop until the BS does.
The bashing will likely continue until the store acknowledges that it probably failed to tighten the connection properly and then does what is right. I suspect this has already cost the store more than any refund and the losses are unlikely to stop until the BS does.

With over 200 posts this thread isn't going anywhere soon. Anyone searching for Scuba Sciences for years to come will run into this thread....

Such is the Internet. If you don't resolve something quickly and visible it stays with you like a scar.
i have open one it has 10 postings

about me: i am a PADI diver that is doing i scuba school international divecon class at scuba sciences.
Yup. Once this becomes archived or found by Google's bots, I wouldn't be surprised if it comes up within the first 10 hits on Google for "Scuba Sciences". Not exactly the type of thing you want potential customers to see. Strongly to their benefit to get this resolved.

With over 200 posts this thread isn't going anywhere soon. Anyone searching for Scuba Sciences for years to come will run into this thread....

Such is the Internet. If you don't resolve something quickly and visible it stays with you like a scar.

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