Scuba Sciences Regulator Repair Problem

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Tina: I was just looking at your policies and procedures. You may want to update them to include a no refund policy for equipment repairs and service. I notice that is the one area where you do not have a rigid and precise policy.

Then I looked at your Service and Repairs Policies: Again there is No mention of a No Refund Policy. files/Customer Service/Service and Repair.pdf

I was under the impression that these were the terms the OP agreed too. However, the Web site makes no mention of it. It seems to contradict your position greatly.

Tina: I was just looking at your policies and procedures. You may want to update them to include a no refund policy for equipment repairs and service. I notice that is the one area where you do not have a rigid and precise policy.

Then I looked at your Service and Repairs Policies: Again there is No mention of a No Refund Policy. files/Customer Service/Service and Repair.pdf

I was under the impression that these were the terms the OP agreed too. However, the Web site makes no mention of it. It seems to contradict your position greatly.


What a waste of time (albeit entertaining of course) Tina tries so hard to preach a no refund policy the whole time and they don't even have it listed in their service policies! :confused:

I've tried to keep an open mind about their shop, and any other I step into, but this is amazing. :shakehead

Had they had a no refund policy listed, I would think it strange, but at least they would have it listed and could use it as a crutch for this whole arguement. But now... this makes Tina and the shop look like a bunch of clowns.

And Darin, it just got more comical!
What a waste of time (albeit entertaining of course) Tina tries so hard to preach a no refund policy the whole time and they don't even have it listed in their service policies! :confused:

I've tried to keep an open mind about their shop, and any other I step into, but this is amazing. :shakehead

Had they had a no refund policy listed, I would think it strange, but at least they would have it listed and could use it as a crutch for this whole arguement. But now... this makes Tina and the shop look like a bunch of clowns.

And Darin, it just got more comical!

Although it's not on the website, it may be on the disclaimer the customer signs, and it may be posted on a huge sign in the shop. I don't think you can just invalidate a no-refund policy because it's not in writing (after all, it's up to the shop)...
Stephen Ash:
I'm with you... can we get a mod to do a little cleaning?

I agree, find a Mod and get rid of everything except the video from the OP. the rest of this has long since lost any course it was on (or value for that matter)
I don't think it's quite as good a story as it looks on first blush. The video would be killer for the station to air, and cjust's demands are more than reasonable. But the fact is we're not dealing with a "deadbeat shop" here--they're not trying to rip him off and ignore him. They've really gone out their way (partially due to the bad publicity on this board) to make it up to him, it's just that the customer has rightly lost his faith in the shop, and doesn't want their remedy, which would require him to put his life in their hands again.

The only problem with the shop is this truly unfathomable and dogmatic adherence to a "no refund" policy, which couldn't possibly be worth the headache and bad press that making an exception would have easily avoided (do they seriously believe there's a slippery slope here? That the minute they give one refund, a thousand customers will jump out of the woodwork with unscrewed second stages, driving them out of business??).

While Scuba Science's position is honestly bizarre, I really question if it's worth the enormous negative publicity they would be put through being portrayed on a consumer advocacy segment. Maybe it is, and it's cjust's call. But imo, this is really starting to look less like malice, and more like dealing with an organization whose personnel are simply mentally incompetent, at least in respect to customer service. After seeing their responses and attitude here, I just don't think they're capable of grasping the concept.
I can't find anything in this threads where the shop is saying they will not give a refund because of their no refund policy. That seems to have originated with scubadiver1302001 and not from the shop personnel. It would simply appear that the shop intends to do customer service their way regardless of the customers reasonable requests. And they are will to prove that to the world.

Let's try to keep this thread on topic, please. For the most part, it has been, but there have been three reports of posts that are not germain to what the original subject called for. Let's keep it civil, as well. Thank you.

I agree with Mr. Ash, I don't think refund is the answer either. When a store makes policies and procedures, it is up to them to follow and enforce them. What would be the point of a no refund policy if you're going to break the rule for this person or that person, etc. The issue has never been about giving him his money back. The repair technician at Scuba Sciences has been there for over 30 years. I'm sure he gets paid for his work. So to refund Mr. Just's money, you would have to take it out of the repair tech's pocket. Does that make it fair? The work was performed. The job was completed. Once out of the tech's hands, it is up to the customer to test and check out his stuff before he leaves the store. Why would you have a regulator completely serviced and not test it out in the pool or on their honesty machine? It seems to me that had he checked his equipment properly, and the hose truly was not tightened completely, it would have come apart during one of those test. I don't think it's right to blame a scuba shop for your shortcomings.
I agree with Mr. Ash, I don't think refund is the answer either. When a store makes policies and procedures, it is up to them to follow and enforce them. What would be the point of a no refund policy if you're going to break the rule for this person or that person, etc. The issue has never been about giving him his money back. The repair technician at Scuba Sciences has been there for over 30 years. I'm sure he gets paid for his work. So to refund Mr. Just's money, you would have to take it out of the repair tech's pocket. Does that make it fair? The work was performed. The job was completed. Once out of the tech's hands, it is up to the customer to test and check out his stuff before he leaves the store. Why would you have a regulator completely serviced and not test it out in the pool or on their honesty machine? It seems to me that had he checked his equipment properly, and the hose truly was not tightened completely, it would have come apart during one of those test. I don't think it's right to blame a scuba shop for your shortcomings.

You pr0file says you work at a dive shop. Any chance that's Scuba Sciences?

hmmm..... seems like you are defending them as a customer but you actually work there.

It appears that you also have another Scubaboard ID as Missy01
same type info. almost the same user name. same birthdate., etc.

It says:
About Me: (Missy01)
I am the office manager for Scuba Sciences, Inc. located in Phoenix, Arizona. I love to dive and I can't wait to do more of it.

your new profile you just joined 2 days ago and started posting about this topic. It seems that the entire Scuba Sciences staff is on here now. Why hide as a new user that doesn't have your Scuba Sciences identity on it anymore?

Now I don't live in Arizona and don't have any experiences with Scuba Sciences, and I could care less how many of your people are on here, but you guys just seem like you're trying to be too sneaky to me.
You pr0file says you work at a dive shop. Any chance that's Scuba Sciences?

hmmm..... seems like you are defending them as a customer but you actually work there.

I appears that you also have another Scubaboard ID as Missy01
same type info. almost the same user name. same birthdate., etc.

It says:
About Me: (Missy01)
I am the office manager for Scuba Sciences, Inc. located in Phoenix, Arizona. I love to dive and I can't wait to do more of it.

your new profile you just joined 2 days ago and started posting about this topic. It seems that the entire Scuba Sciences staff is on here now. Why hide as a new user that doesn't have your Scuba Sciences identity on it anymore?

Now I don't live in Arizona and don't have any experiences with Scuba Sciences, and I could care less how many of your people are on here, but you guys just seem like you're trying to be too sneaky to me.

I was about to ask the same question but ya beat me to it...

Business as usual?

I don't know. I guess I just don't have any faith in that shop. They (SS) haven't really been understanding, in my opinion. I know they have a "no refund policy", of which is arbitrarily enforced, as a previous post pointed out that is missing from their equipment policies.

Seems like they have lost touch with the average customer and the OP. I know they have "offered" several alternatives, although nothing the customer in interested in. Guess I can't blame him.


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