Salvo versus Halcyon: Solved.

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Salvo is much bigger than any one person. It is and will continue to be a company like many others. Just because one owner is away does not mean that business will not continue.

Salvo is much bigger than any one person. It is and will continue to be a company like many others. Just because one owner is away does not mean that business will not continue.


Cheers! I personally look forward to Salvo's future growth and ever innovative product line. X
The same people that hate H are the same type that hate microsoft, ipods, and any other large, innovative company. These people are agast that some company has to offset their R&D and the risk they took by selling for a larger profit than the people who stole their idea (and in this case, product) after all of the hard work was done.


way to generalize there champ. Those aren't the reasons I don't like Halcyon and I am pretty sure most of the other people don't hate them because they are large and innovative.

The rest of your post is assuming everything that Barry said was a lie and everything JJ said was true. I don't think that is the case so I don't think he is the villain you are making him out to be but continue on with your gross generalizations and analogy's and veiled insults to anyone who doesn't agree with your black and white view of things.
Slapping a salvo sticker on that Sony stereo doesn't make it any less stolen. For all of those who think they have Salvo lights, think again: You have Halcyon lights with a Salvo tag since Halcyon actually purchased a majority of the raw materials.
I don't pretend to know all the details, but I believe this is wildly inaccurate and perhaps libelous.

It may be true that some of the first lights were made with Halcyon raw materials, but Barry apparently turned those raw materials back over to Halcyon.. and with the volume of lights he's churned out, you can bet your butt that most of the Salvo lights currently in circulation were not made with any Halcyon parts, raw materials, or services.

The canister light designs, parts, raw materials, and service are all courtesy of one Barry Miller.. not Halcyon.

For the record, I don't hate Microsoft or Apple.. and I don't hate Halcyon. However, I do believe Halcyon really dropped the ball in this situation, and upon considering everything I've read to this point I find it very hard to believe that they are more deserving of my business than Barry Miller. I'm not sure I would have acted any differently than he did.

Hate innovation? Barry Miller has been the only one innovating in the canister light department. He's introduced a dozen new designs and features (Li-Ion batteries, sealed canisters that don't leak when a cable is ruptured, remote head, etc).
The same people that hate H are the same type that hate microsoft, ipods, and any other large, innovative company. These people are agast that some company has to offset their R&D and the risk they took by selling for a larger profit than the people who stole their idea (and in this case, product) after all of the hard work was done.

OK Chris, I'll call BS on that one ... I had no beef with Halcyon at all until a few of their representatives ... and you'd recognize the names of these folkis if I decided to print them ... decided it was their right to call the shop owner I work for and try to dictate what I could and couldn't say on the Internet. And at that point, it went from being a business relationship to being a personal one.

Nobody ... NOBODY ... has the right to do that. And I don't give a damn how many miles of cave they've swam through. These people need a few lessons in employee management ... not to mention simple manners.

As for innovation ... you seem to be ignoring whose innovation it was that made Halcyon lights (at one point in time, but no longer) the quality standard that everyone else had to compete against.

Barry did something really, REALLY STUPID. He's paying for it ... as he should. But it's obvious from JJ's response that it ain't gonna end there. JJ and Halcyon won't be happy until Salvo is out of business. Personally, I don't wish them happiness in that respect ... this sorry episode benefits no one, least of all Halcyon. And I don't believe that either the tone or intent of JJ's response ... that was posted in this thread yesterday ... is in Halcyon's best interest. Frankly, if they put as much effort into improving their product as they have trying to shut down their competitors, they'd be having a lot more success with the people they're trying to market to.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Anyone else having trouble getting on either the halcyon or GUE websites this morning?

OK Chris, I'll call BS on that one ... I had no beef with Halcyon at all until a few of their representatives ... and you'd recognize the names of these folkis if I decided to print them ... decided it was their right to call the shop owner I work for and try to dictate what I could and couldn't say on the Internet. And at that point, it went from being a business relationship to being a personal one.

Nobody ... NOBODY ... has the right to do that. And I don't give a damn how many miles of cave they've swam through. These people need a few lessons in employee management ... not to mention simple manners.

As for innovation ... you seem to be ignoring whose innovation it was that made Halcyon lights (at one point in time, but no longer) the quality standard that everyone else had to compete against.

Barry did something really, REALLY STUPID. He's paying for it ... as he should. But it's obvious from JJ's response that it ain't gonna end there. JJ and Halcyon won't be happy until Salvo is out of business. Personally, I don't wish them happiness in that respect ... this sorry episode benefits no one, least of all Halcyon. And I don't believe that either the tone or intent of JJ's response ... that was posted in this thread yesterday ... is in Halcyon's best interest. Frankly, if they put as much effort into improving their product as they have trying to shut down their competitors, they'd be having a lot more success with the people they're trying to market to.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
And if that happened, and I have no reason not to believe it did, that is deplorable. So is steeling, but people seem to overlook that. And, you'd be amazed at the names I don't know in this whole episode.

And while Barry may have been the geneous behind the lights, he lacked the backbone to go out on his own until all of the hardwork was done by JJ and company.

I agree that halcyon needs a good PR firm in the worst way, and possible someone to run roughshod over some overly zealous employees apparently.

way to generalize there champ. Those aren't the reasons I don't like Halcyon and I am pretty sure most of the other people don't hate them because they are large and innovative.

The rest of your post is assuming everything that Barry said was a lie and everything JJ said was true. I don't think that is the case so I don't think he is the villain you are making him out to be but continue on with your gross generalizations and analogy's and veiled insults to anyone who doesn't agree with your black and white view of things.
Wild generalizations never happen around here. It's amazing that the Barry-believers must be correct.

Barry stole stuff. That's not in dispute. Barry had H employees making stuff for his new business. That's not in dispute. Barry worked for JJ. That shouldn't be in dispute. Bosses and employees often have differing views on things. And, if someone steals from my company, I'm going to press charges. That's pretty simple. Some of you may be the generous people you would like us to believe you are and just let Barry go after ripping you off for $100k, but I'm not as good a person as you I guess.

If Barry fealt imprisoned by Halcyon, he could have left at any time. Instead, he stayed on and built lights for a company. That's what he was paid to do. The only thing that the rest of my post assumes is that the 1% is in question. I can't believe that, unless Barry was chained in a basement somewhere, that he didn't have freedom to do what he wanted. Period. Then when he finally gets the stones to leave (or, if you believe another side, was forced out), he steals crap on the way out the door. I do believe that he also maliciously set out to destroy dealer and supplier relationships on the way out (but that's just my belief). Although, with the other stuff that he admitted to in the court papers, it certainly wouldn't have been a strech for him to do that. And, disgruntled employees tend to do that sort of stuff, so it shouldn't be a surprise. I mean, if I'm not happy with my company, I may do the work, but might not be all to enthused to espouse it's wonderfulness to others.
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