Salvo versus Halcyon: Solved.

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This seems to all stem back to employee management relationships... Barry was mimstreated when the mighty Halcyon (JJ) did not live up to their promises... end of story.. Now Halcyon has competition and it really pi@#'s them off.. Ruling by an iron fist does not work in consumer America and never will.. Salvo will continue to strive as they offer a superior product and will continue with extremely customer friendly support... Halcyon has forgotten who the customer is, and are too concerned about scaring there customers (LDS) into supporting their product..

Good luck to Barry..

so it is a matter of washing linen in public. it's an internal matter where LAWS of the land have been violated. barry just took the law into his own hands when he should have sought legal help. too bad H took the legal stand and the LAWS OF THE LAND won. so maybe they can be like our country.... don't like the law, break it and when apprehended complain of abuse.

bottom line WHOEVER GETS THE MONEY WINS so now is time for PR.... truth depends on the persons point of view. it all lies with how truth is perceived. in this case the LAW OF THE LAND. unhappy. change the law or the people who implement the law.

for this round JJ wins. who knows maybe some dude who just got his DIR-F may win over JJ for wrongfull instruction resulting to accident when the student forgets he has a reg bungeed up his neck but forgets about it and drowns.

daniel f aleman:
quote deleted for name calling
No name calling unless you are in the pro-slavo camp I guess.

theoretically speaking if i owned H and brought in some engineering dude to make lights for me and promised to give him 1% of gross but dint honor my part of the bargain i would be pissed publicly if the guy contrived against me and took some stuff but deep down i know i deserved it. i would then do whatever it takes to smear this guy's product down until i can find someone as good as him make lights for me
So you have the contract about the 1%? No chance that's a lie at all. I guess brining an engineer in and having him make stuff for you and make a salary doesn't make sense to you. That's what most companies do. Lots of companies have capitalized on their engineers... that's why they hire them. Not to let them R&D their stuff at the company's (halcyon) expense and then steel their supplies, destroy dealer and supplier relationships in the process, and have the company's employees work make parts for a company they are going to open. Barry is a theif. Simple as that. Barry screwed his employer. Simple as that. Barry is going to jail and paying a nice fine. Simple as that. This is all based on criminal court. Civil complaints could still be available.

Barry has come clean... Admitting that you are wrong (once again it depends on what you think is wrong or right) takes a man and he did just this... His public admission speaks volumes
Volumes that the court pretty much made him speak. Barry is better at PR, but that doesn't make him any less of a criminal and a thief. I think his actions speak volumes about what kind of man he is. He's a criminal man.

Barry can make the best lights in the world and sell them for $1, but that does not limit what he did. He stole from the company he worked for. People seem to forget that. It is so weird that the courts and our laws find fault with him when many of you seem to think him a hero because he makes nice lights. I wish the women I dated were so easy and shallow.

PS: If any of you H-haters need to sell your H gear cheap to purge your system and make yourselves feel better, just let me know. I'm always up for a bargain. C'mon, you could be helping Barry out if you do it. Heck, if I were as passionate as some of you about Barry, I'd be giving my H gear away :)

Edited by NetDoc to remove insult
PS: If any of you H-haters need to sell your H gear cheap to purge your system and make yourselves feel better, just let me know. I'm always up for a bargain. C'mon, you could be helping Barry out if you do it. Heck, if I were as passionate as some of you about Barry the wonder crook, I'd be giving my H gear away :)

hey just send them to me for storage and disposal. my students can rent it during their confined classes.

and for those who are accesories to crime donate (so it may not be construed as "fencing") to me (3rd world you see) and a lot of poor kids can use them lights and stuff when they go fishing at night in their little "bangkas" and little paddles.


I guess "solved" might be a bit premature, considering it looks like the debate will go on... :)
I have no stake in halcyon other than being a satisfied customer, but really, it sounds like to most people that it wouldn't have mattered who won the court battle. If Halcyon lost, all the posts would be saying how JJ was wrong, and how barry is a hero for taking down the mighty JJ... If Halcyon won, then it is still about how Halcyon is wrong and Barry got screwed. Doesn't seem like ANYTHING H can do is ever going to be right for some people.
Like everyone else I also have my own feelings about vendors based on personal experiences, from excellent to terrible, and companies that I won't do business with again. That is great, if you don't like H, don't do business with them. Go buy what you like a dive it.. nothing at all wrong with that. But as for the court drama, the decisions made by judge and jury were done with FAR more actual information than anyone here has. So I trust, acknowledging that the system may not be perfect but is the best one I know of, that the court had a REASON to rule the way they did. Maybe, just maybe, there were actual witnesses at the trial, and just MAYBE the court did the right thing this time.
Although I am sure that somewhere, someone thinks that JJ rigged the trial.

Hate Halcyon all you want, got burned by them, or don't like their products, OK. But it makes no sense to hate them because of something that you made up in your head, that may or may not have actually happened. Makes me wonder how some people come up with their version of the truth. Most of you don't know Barry personally, but believe his statement that he was promised 1% of sales as if it came from god himself...
so the rumor has some merit?

that H offered the court free DIR-F courses?


Yes, I hear that JJ has now infultrated the court system, preaching his "streamlining" of the judical process. That is the last straw!!
I say we storm the the Halcyon castle at dawn.. bring the pitchforks and torches...
Arrggh.. we ride!
i think H would be fortified by this time after the security breach

i suggest the easier target would be the one without "guard" - ?A??O !!!!

the guard is in the guard house ..... for 6 months

i think H would be fortified by this time after the security breach

i suggest the easier target would be the one without "guard" - ?A??O !!!!

the guard is in the guard house ..... for 6 months


The problem is none of the guards have, at this time, passed the stringent security program...SDR...that's Security Done Right...for those on the outside...:D
JJ wants blood... must shut down all competitors to the almighty H...
They tried that a couple of years ago ... when they tried suing Oxycheq out of business. Didn't work so well that time, from all accounts ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
No name calling unless you are in the pro-slavo camp I guess.
Actually, Daniel isn't in either camp ... he's an equal-opportunity name-caller ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
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