Salvo versus Halcyon: Solved.

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He will most likely be in very minimum security jail, after all his crimes were not something that require heavy guards. In minimum security I am sure he will have the means and opportunity to look after things and be there for the company, sort of on a "long vacation".

Either way, good luck to him and to the company in the mean time. Good news to hear although I never purchased from him (yet).

state prison for serious felons, murderers, etc. he is not going to the country club. he is not going to minimum security. he is going to state prison. i do not know where some of you guys get your info, but i hope it was free. with barry's physical stature, i do not envision a vacation.
The actions of Halcyon personnel in this entire matter have been absolutely repulsive.

I am never spending another dime on Halcyon gear.

I feel the same and sad that it had to come to this conclusion. It's such a small community and when someone goes out of your way to stifle a former team member (WKPP), employee, product manager & innovator it speaks volumes about character...or lack of it.
This ain't TDS, Scott ... we don't allow name-calling here.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
state prison for serious felons, murderers, etc. he is not going to the country club. he is not going to minimum security. he is going to state prison. i do not know where some of you guys get your info, but i hope it was free. with barry's physical stature, i do not envision a vacation.

I think you have made it very clear about what you do envision and it's obvious that you spend a lot of time thinking about it and that you take great pleasure from it. Since you don't work for halcyon I can't imagine why you have taken this so personally. If your love and loyalty towards halcyon is so great that you felt personally assaulted by this theft then you should have been more concerned with how your posts may have reflected on Halcyon. You and True have soured me on ever doing any business with halcyon so good show on that.
I think you have made it very clear about what you do envision and it's obvious that you spend a lot of time thinking about it and that you take great pleasure from it. Since you don't work for halcyon I can't imagine why you have taken this so personally. If your love and loyalty towards halcyon is so great that you felt personally assaulted by this theft then you should have been more concerned with how your posts may have reflected on Halcyon. You and True have soured me on ever doing any business with halcyon so good show on that.
For the record ... Scott Landon (surlynkid) is a WKPP diver. You will find his name prominent in several places over on the WKPP website. So obviously he has ties to JJ and other people who are directly involved in the legal proceedings.

Scott also posted over on TheDecoStop a while back that he has, in fact, purchased lots of "seconds" from Halcyon and marketed the equipment on eBay ... so it is misleading to say that he has no ties to that company.

On the other hand, Anthony Rue (aka "true") has made false and misleading statements about Halcyon's business practices, with respect to LDS's who wanted to carry both Salvo and Halcyon products. I can attest to that from first-hand knowledge.

Furthermore, several Halcyon employees contacted the owner of the LDS I work for complaining about my "support" of Barry (actually, I only encouraged him not to get sucked into these muck-racking conversations) ... going so far as to suggest that Mark should terminate me for not being a "team player".

So I agree with Jonnythan ... some of Halcyon's representatives and supporters have acted in a way that I consider to be reprehensible, and showed a distinct lack of integrity.

But, in truth, my support of Salvo doesn't have anything to do with this trial ... or the actions of the people involved. It has to do with one simple thing ... the Salvo 18W light I currently use has proven to be ... by a wide margin ... a superior product to the Halcyon 18W Helios 9 I owned previously.

That's what people should base their purchasing decisions on ... this other stuff is just Internet chatter ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I was obviously misinformed about your employment, and for that I apologize.
That's what people should base their purchasing decisions on ... this other stuff is just Internet chatter ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

I'll respectfully disagree. I don't know much about Halcyon beyond what I hear from this forum and from other divers and LDS employees I talk to (I have no inside information on this issue) but being an Econ major in college and a firm believer in the capitalist system, I think that voting with one's wallet is the surest way to bring about change. Regardless of the quality of Halcyon gear, I can assure you I won't be voting for them with my paycheck.
Furthermore, several Halcyon employees contacted the owner of the LDS I work for complaining about my "support" of Barry (actually, I only encouraged him not to get sucked into these muck-racking conversations) ... going so far as to suggest that Mark should terminate me for not being a "team player".

That's what people should base their purchasing decisions on ... this other stuff is just Internet chatter ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

I remember reading about your dealings with them and was just amazed that they would actually try to get someone fired over such a minor statement.

As far as the purchasing decisions go if they were the only company that made good enough equipment to do the dives I do then yeah who cares about the other stuff but fortunately there are other choices for equipment of the same quality or better so I can choose. :)
Guys, remember this. Most of us are making decisions based on what we *think* occurred.

Most of us weren't present when much of this took place, and thus we're working on assumptions, uninformed statements, what we think we heard elsewhere, agendas, hearsay, lies, rumors, and innuendo.

Anyone who has ever been through or close to a divorce understands that two reasonably rational people can look at one set of 'facts' and can draw two entirely different conclusions from the same data.

Paraphrasing a quote in Spectre's sig line, think twice before speaking strongly about things you know little of.

If folks here have personal knowledge of wrongs committed by Halcyon 'representatives', then fine.

I doubt that Jarrod himself suggested that such activity occur, however, I don't know one way or the other. Jarrod himself has always struck me as a pretty stand-up guy.

Regardless of who promised or did what to whom, one thing that is certain as a matter of evidence in court is that Halcyon is out over $100k of materials and ancillary losses. How many of us, or how many small businesses, could sustain that sort of hit - for whatever reason?

Honor is as honor does.
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