Salvo versus Halcyon: Solved.

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if H was your company and your employee stole and contrived against it, what would you do?

oh (and pak, just between you and me ) this is just rhetorical. we have dinner tonight right?


buy me a beer tonite and I'll answer your question...:wink:
i don't own any H gear (As a matter of fact i own a DiveRite and OMS) but i think if you start a company it's yours. anyone disagree should leave. much more so if they stole or have a different philosophy from the owners.

leadership styles.... you can't take the leadership ... leave.

i still think it's the new memebrs that ride on the accomplishments on the original team that are the problem. the members would "try" to claim knwoledge of the original team when they just acquired some "knowledge" and they think they have been given the universal knowledge and they alone have ownership of it.


Are you familiar with the WKPP/GUE/Halcyon? Have you ever met or worked with the founders? That being said it's not as simple as getting along with the guy who is your purported boss/leader.
if H was your company and your employee stole and contrived against it, what would you do?


theoretically speaking if i owned H and brought in some engineering dude to make lights for me and promised to give him 1% of gross but dint honor my part of the bargain i would be pissed publicly if the guy contrived against me and took some stuff but deep down i know i deserved it. i would then do whatever it takes to smear this guy's product down until i can find someone as good as him make lights for me:)
This seems to all stem back to employee management relationships... Barry was mimstreated when the mighty Halcyon (JJ) did not live up to their promises... end of story.. Now Halcyon has competition and it really pi@#'s them off.. Ruling by an iron fist does not work in consumer America and never will.. Salvo will continue to strive as they offer a superior product and will continue with extremely customer friendly support... Halcyon has forgotten who the customer is, and are too concerned about scaring there customers (LDS) into supporting their product..

Good luck to Barry..
personally, if I owned H and things have gotten this far... I'd hire a good PR company... :wink:
Are you familiar with the WKPP?

VERY MUCH, for several years now !!! WKPP great project !

Have you ever met or worked with the founders?

fortunately never and perhaps you have?

That being said it's not as simple as getting along with the guy who is your purported boss/leader.

you can always leave your boss/leader . it's not like you are enslaved are you? unless your slavery is made so by your own mind. so it's your choice to take it or leave.

hmmm... JJ did not deny nor confirm the 1% in his statement.. leaves me to think that indeed there could possibly be a "my-words-are-stronger-than-oak" handshake agreement between the two parties
buy me a beer tonite and I'll answer your question...:wink:

hey... told you it was a rhetorical question. buy i'll buy you a beer anyways later tonight.

will you drop by the Studios?

personally, if I owned H and things have gotten this far... I'd hire a good PR company... :wink:

exactly. ITs a matter of how good the PR guys does it.

It's a business hey , all's fair in love and war.

why don;t you guys who complain just make your own company then and compete with JJ or H?

for the record I HAVE NEVER BEEN UNDER ANY SPELL OF WKPP/GUE/HALCYON nor are they paying me.... wait a minute that is not a bad idea......hmm getting paid.

they have published and shared their learnigns THAT IS VERY MAGNANIMOUS OF THEM. to profit from it HEY WHATS WRONG WITH THAT ?!

the problem again lies in the GUE/H "puppies" ...... they are lost they need to find their own identities. at least Barry found his, JJ has his, what about George? i think he is the epitome of the "puppies"


Why must we rehash our feelings on whether Halcyon was wrong or Barry was wrong. I don't own any Halcyon gear but i do own some Salvo equipment, yet I don't feel the need to point a finger. What we should concentrate on is that Barry has come clean. He said, whether it be an infraction of the law or moral standards (however you want to look at it) that what he did is wrong (though many of us think he got screwed), and he is paying for it. Admitting that you are wrong (once again it depends on what you think is wrong or right) takes a man and he did just this. This takes a man, and as my grandfather said, a man's man. He has made his peace with the courts and I have a lot of respect for him for coming clean. His public admission speaks volumes. We will continue to vote with our wallets (and some of us our hearts). What is done is done and debating who is right or wrong is a matter of personal opinon. Someone compared this to a divorce and what is right all depends on which side of the fence you are on. For some he is the villan and others he is the unspoken hero. One can only hope that his time spent in jail, thinking through things, will just make him stronger and when he gets out, he will have an even stronger voice in the industry than he currently has.
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