Salvo versus Halcyon: Solved.

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I have to say that I am a novice diver and not personally familiar with any of the people involved in this whole thing. I have no idea what the truth is. But I can say from reading various boards that the people who have supported Halcyon in this have left such an evil taste in my mouth that I would be reluctant to purchase ANYTHING from Halcyon unless it simply was not available from anybody else. And surlynkid leads the pack, with some comments that were so unsavory that I could not believe anyone would make them on a public forum.

It's really sad, because it's all so convoluted and inbred at the top. I had a wonderful dive with my GUE instructor this afternoon. He's a great teacher, and he helped me through my first true underwater emergency. I loved Fundies; I would really like to continue my education with GUE. But some of these people are just unbelievably unpalatable, and it's unfortunate.
Well said.

Why must we rehash our feelings on whether Halcyon was wrong or Barry was wrong. I don't own any Halcyon gear but i do own some Salvo equipment, yet I don't feel the need to point a finger. What we should concentrate on is that Barry has come clean. He said, whether it be an infraction of the law or moral standards (however you want to look at it) that what he did is wrong (though many of us think he got screwed), and he is paying for it. Admitting that you are wrong (once again it depends on what you think is wrong or right) takes a man and he did just this. This takes a man, and as my grandfather said, a man's man. He has made his peace with the courts and I have a lot of respect for him for coming clean. His public admission speaks volumes. We will continue to vote with our wallets (and some of us our hearts). What is done is done and debating who is right or wrong is a matter of personal opinon. Someone compared this to a divorce and what is right all depends on which side of the fence you are on. For some he is the villan and others he is the unspoken hero. One can only hope that his time spent in jail, thinking through things, will just make him stronger and when he gets out, he will have an even stronger voice in the industry than he currently has.
He's a great teacher, and he helped me through my first true underwater emergency.
Have you already posted about it????????
...But I can say from reading various boards that the people who have supported Halcyon in this have left such an evil taste in my mouth that I would be reluctant to purchase ANYTHING from Halcyon unless it simply was not available from anybody else. ...
It's really sad, because it's all so convoluted and inbred at the top. I had a wonderful dive with my GUE instructor this afternoon. He's a great teacher, and he helped me through my first true underwater emergency. I loved Fundies; I would really like to continue my education with GUE. But some of these people are just unbelievably unpalatable, and it's unfortunate.

That is unfortunate. But your statement: "I would really like to continue my education with GUE. But some of these people are just unbelievably unpalatable"
Why would you let someone who doesn't work for Halcyon or GUE affect your choice of continuing your education? And, you don't have to own anything from Halcyon to take GUE training.
If I were to support Barry, but be a jerk while doing it, could I get you to not ever buy anything from Salvo? Just because I supported Barry?
Just trying to put the same thing in a different light. No need to let a thing like this somehow affect your relationship with a great instuctor, or an agency that offers classes that you love.
that the people who have supported Halcyon in this have left such an evil taste in my mouth that I would be reluctant to purchase ANYTHING from Halcyon unless it simply was not available from anybody else.

But some of these people are just unbelievably unpalatable, and it's unfortunate.

yes yes the "puppies" ..... darn themmmmmm . JJ heads-up, the puppies of your instructors are causing a negative image of Halcyon.

He's a great teacher, and he helped me through my first true underwater emergency. I loved Fundies; I would really like to continue my education with GUE.

ah the old age adage here in SB : It's the instructor that makes or break your experience.
Actually, Daniel isn't in either camp ... he's an equal-opportunity name-caller ... :wink: this thread. :wink:
what took you so long to respond.........:huh:

I see both sides.

GUE/Halcyon/DIR/Salvo lives via the web. If not for the web it never would of gotten out of Florida.

Live and die by the sword. Halcyon grew because of is paying a price for it.

In the grey world that we all live in, each party has a legitimate beef.

In the end...I bought and will buy Salvo products.
VERY MUCH, for several years now !!! WKPP great project !

fortunately never and perhaps you have?

you can always leave your boss/leader . it's not like you are enslaved are you? unless your slavery is made so by your own mind. so it's your choice to take it or leave.


Net familiarity with the WKPP/Halcyon/GUE compared to direct involvement is another dimension. The muscularity of your responses certainly indicate a general perspective. One I eschew.

Answering your question as you did mine - Yes. I have had my share of experiences with the founders and Barry.

In their own right they can be nice folk. They can be not so nice too. For me, it comes down to who I believe in this matter through my direct experience. In court, Barry lost this round. BTW - Nobody wins in court.

Additionally, things aren't always so black and white as your last response. Sometimes you cannot easily love or leave. I have yet to see a truly amicable divorce. The same thing happens in cave country.
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