Why not?
There's some fast, easy money.
The last time I took a physical manufacturer's course, it ran about 300.00, obviously not including travel and lodging; but did include stale doughnuts; iffy cheese danish; and the finest bodega-quality coffee, money could buy, off the 405, in Long Beach.
There were fifteen students, if I recall; some familiar faces, doing refreshers; and public school math, puts that four hour-plus seminar figure at 4500.00 -- not including an option for purchasing some "discounted " specialty tools, afterwards -- all this, while watching a guy, going through the motions, assemble and disassemble a few regulators, via an overhead projector; answer a few odd questions; and having us mimic his moves, on our little rubber mats.
The guy didn't even break a sweat . . .
Sounds like Glock training. You spent all day at a nearby LE agency, taking a 4 hour class stretched across 8 hours of classroom time.
The lunch wasn't bad though.