Restructuring Florida, Take Two...

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My personal preference is not to split the Florida forum, but I believe there are enough who do want it split that it will happen.

I agree here too. I never thought it was a problem before, but I guess some people thought things were "lost"

With that in mind, my preference for the split is as follows:
- Panhandle
- Big Bend to St. Petersburg
- Southwest Florida
- Florida Keys
- Southeast Florida
- Northeast Florida
- Florida Springs

I don't know where Big Bend is, but is SW and "Big Bend to St Pete" combineable?? It seems like that would keep the regional areas concise....

I think definitely the Keys should be seperated no matter what, there's a lot of the same questions asked over and over, and having that seperate would "clean things up a lot"
okay another question...

what happened to that Roll Call sticky that used to list all the Conchs and where they were from???

No one ever paid attention to it.

Dee, I have been helping people for a long time around this board. I am not sure u even have enough peeps to get a club going. Not that you can't try but I thought I would let you know there is only a small handful of peeps there. However if you don't want to be monkey in the middle anymore - you can move here :winky: P.S. Did the Sheridan today :)

Again my vote for names: from the top Panhandle or Upper Gulf, Spring/Cave Country, Greater Tampa Bay Area (this has already been going over a year),NE FL, SE FL. As for the Keys - I'd make a sticky or a big sign that read: follow this link back north to KeyLargo :)
I agree here too. I never thought it was a problem before, but I guess some people thought things were "lost"

I agree, I don't know how anything could be lost when the main forum(when there wasn't subforums aside from the Trips/Marketplace, which covered the entire state as well) moved one, maybe one and a half(on a busy day) pages a day. Is a thread lost if you have to scroll down from the first 6 threads?

I don't know where Big Bend is, but is SW and "Big Bend to St Pete" combineable?? It seems like that would keep the regional areas concise....

Big Bend is where the state 'bends' from the panhandle area into the peninsula.
Again my vote for names: from the top Panhandle or Upper Gulf, Spring/Cave Country, Greater Tampa Bay Area (this has already been going over a year),NE FL, SE FL. As for the Keys - I'd make a sticky or a big sign that read: follow this link back north to KeyLargo :)

And you've completely disregarded the Southwest Florida area that is for all intents and purposes, Venice southward through the 10,000 islands. :rofl: Are we so insignificant? I don't live in Tampa.. I'm 150 miles south of it! :D
And you've completely disregarded the Southwest Florida area that is for all intents and purposes, Venice southward through the 10,000 islands. :rofl: Are we so insignificant? I don't live in Tampa.. I'm 150 miles south of it! :D



:joke: :D
ooops, sorry Col, didn't mean to do that. Yes, H, I know where it is...

BigBend to St. Pete doesn't work - cuz then u r cutting out Spring/Cave County which has a massively huge following.

As for for Venice no one minded for a long time that it was and is in the Tampa area. Some just now nticed and are complaining...

Edit: Add H, why do u give a rat's booty about an area with tons of people u never dive with, loads of visitors u never speak to, and an area u never visit?
How about
- Panhandle
- Big Bend to Bulla's House - (Tampa Sub Forum within)
- Florida Keys
- Southeast Florida
- Northeast Florida
- Florida Springs/Caves

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