Restructuring Florida, Take Two...

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And you've completely disregarded the Southwest Florida area

As well as the area north of Tampa Bay to the Panhandle. With that proposal, outside the panhandle, only a tiny area around Tampa Bay on the Gulf Coast would be covered. The Greater Tampa Bay area is part of Big Bend to St Peterburg and as the largest population center (by far) in the area, the Tampa Bay folks would dominate the forum.
World wide infact -

Agreed! I'd definitely like them to have a spot. As many as we have come through here - it is time we gave them a reason to stay with SB.
As well as the area north of Tampa Bay to the Panhandle. With that proposal, outside the panhandle, only a tiny area around Tampa Bay on the Gulf Coast would be covered. The Greater Tampa Bay area is part of Big Bend to St Peterburg and as the largest population center (by far) in the area, the Tampa Bay folks would dominate the forum.

W, so u want the area to the left of the springs to have a forum as well? Is that right? I did in fact leave that out, kinda purposely. I didn't and don't see a need there.

Edit, okay I am done. I think I have said all I have to say. I've offered maps of two kinds for back-up on my suggestions and reasons 4 those suggestions.
BigBend to St. Pete doesn't work - cuz then u r cutting out Spring/Cave County which has a massively huge following.

Of course it works, there would be a separate forum for the Florida Springs.

As for for Venice no one minded for a long time that it was and is in the Tampa area. Some just now nticed and are complaining...

I've noticed Venice threads were in two different forums since the last time we got split. It all depended on who started the thread. Venice has never been in central Florida and is not part of the greater Tampa Bay area.

How about
- Panhandle
- Big Bend to Bulla's House - (Tampa Sub Forum within)
- Florida Keys
- Southeast Florida
- Northeast Florida
- Florida Springs/Caves

That would still leave out a great deal of SW Florida.

How about

- Panhandle
- Big Bend to St Petersburg
- SW Florida
- Florida Keys
- Northeast Florida south to Howard's condo
- Florida Springs/Caves?
W, so u want the area to the left of the springs to have a forum as well? Is that right? I did in fact leave that out, kinda purposely. I didn't and don't see a need there.

Excellent diving. In fact trips to the middle grounds leave from that area as well as the Tampa Bay area. You have more in common than you realize. Big Bend to St Pete is a region, greater Tampa Bay is a local group. Think big, Darlin'.
World wide infact - If anything, a bare minimum of FL Salt and Cave country seperation - two COMPLETELY different animals yet neighbors.

Agreed, and spread out quite a bit as well. Panhandle to Central FL are riddled with springs/caves that draw worldwide attention.

IMO, its another reason not to split into multiple regional FL subforums.
Excellent diving. In fact trips to the middle grounds leave from that area as well as the Tampa Bay area. You have more in common than you realize. Big Bend to St Pete is a region, greater Tampa Bay is a local group. Think big, Darlin'.

Does anyone live there? :rofl3: j/k :popcorn:
W, so u want the area to the left of the springs to have a forum as well?

Which springs?




Little Salt?(Sarasota, dontcha know?)

One of the many offshore springs found in a much larger body of salt water?


Springs/Caves go far beyond a regional FL boundary.
Which springs?




Little Salt?(Sarasota, dontcha know?)

One of the many offshore springs found in a much larger body of salt water?


Springs/Caves go far beyond a regional FL boundary.

Clearly u haven't read everything in full? There is a concentration of caves most visit. I am sure u have heard of it... it is called "Cave Country". Ring any bells? Here is a link to assist u in finding some of the others to complete your list:

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