Restructuring Florida, Take Two...

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Clearly u haven't read everything in full? There is a concentration of caves most visit. I am sure u have heard of it... it is called "Cave Country". Ring any bells? Here is a link to assist u in finding some of the others to complete your list:

Have you actually read the list?! :rofl3:

Read them, "Cave Country" is a term used for springs in the panhandle as well. If you would like to tell me Peacock and Mill Pond caves aren't on the top of most visitors cave diving destinations, you really need to check your facts! :eyebrow:

Even the springs found in the middle of the Gulf are listed on :p The websites spring/cave listing is not regionally specific at all, except that they are located in, or around, florida(the entire state). All the locations I listed on my last reply can be found on the website, despite the fact that they span several hundred miles apart(infact, even a timezone).

You should read the list before you reffer to it as some sort of backup.

Yes, but the Florida Springs forum should include them all.

If subforums end up being necessity, indeed they would. As of now, it would all be covered under "FL Conch" as far as I'm concerned :wink:
That would still leave out a great deal of SW Florida.

I'm not so up on my west coast geography. :blush:
Have you actually read the list?! :rofl3:

Read them, "Cave Country" is a term used for springs in the panhandle as well. If you would like to tell me Peacock and Mill Pond caves aren't on the top of most visitors cave diving destinations, you really need to check your facts! :eyebrow:

Even the springs found in the middle of the Gulf are listed on :p

You should read the list before you reffer to it as some sort of backup.

Yes, read the first line:

I am not going to argue with u or pick nits.:wink: It is only degrading what was a constructive thread. U can find a spring almost anywhere in FL but...
Yes, read the first line:

I am not going to argue with u or pick nits.:wink: It is only degrading what was a constructive thread. U can find a spring almost anywhere in FL but...

Read up on some of the cave diving sites if you'd like see what outsiders see as 'cave country', not just a single site - which includes Peacock in a description of 'cave country' while its located quite far up north at the base of the peninsula and panhandle :wink:

Read past the first line.

Argue it or not, cave country is much larger than you'd like to acknowledge. Its not degrading to a thread thats being devoted to splitting up such an area that needs to be together. A constructive thread will need all the facts :wink:
No one ever paid attention to it.

Dee, I have been helping people for a long time around this board. I am not sure u even have enough peeps to get a club going. Not that you can't try but I thought I would let you know there is only a small handful of peeps there. However if you don't want to be monkey in the middle anymore - you can move here :winky: P.S. Did the Sheridan today :)

Miss D-

you are my hero and i want to duplicate in Orlando what you've done in Tampa :)
I realize it will take a while and I'm in for the long haul...especially since, correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe SB was founded here in the Orlando area...
So I'm gonna try and one day we'll UNTIE our Tampa and Orlando Clubs together in the biggest SB happy hour in history! :D

You better get those waters warmed up over there for me so I can soon see for myself what this Sheridan bidness is all about!!! :14:

ps- I'm gonna use your quote as a challenge to get my CFL peeps motivated to sign up.. "we got divers yes we do...!"
What was wrong with the old division??? I am new to the board and thought North Florida, Central Florida, and South Florida was a good way to split it up. I believe the Keys was a lot of the South Florida forum so maybe they should have a sub forum from South Florida. I think then the Springs/ Cave country does deserve a seperate listing. There is a lot of divers from all over the world that come just for the springs/caves so that would make sense.

By the way what is a Peep???:confused: I must be too old to know that one. The only thing I can think of is the noise a baby chicken makes:rofl3:
By the way what is a Peep???:confused: I must be too old to know that one. The only thing I can think of is the noise a baby chicken makes:rofl3:

I'll explain it all to you when I meet you to pick up my new tank on Friday!! In the meantime I'll be rallying CFL peeps to join my club :D !
d. :)

ps - thanks for joining yourself. Central Florida does exist!!!
If I dive Morrison or Cypress springs, I would prefer to post those dive plans and dive reports in the panhandle forum. The springs here are part of my geographic world. Central Florida springs are a drive from here so I would geographically differentiate them from the coasts in the peninsula and from the springs in the panhandle.

It seems like we are talking two different types of splits here. There is the geographic division and the club division. The two will never jive because they have no purpose in common. Why not have the single Florida forum with clubs being granted a subforum to chat in. If the club forum dies out it gets dumped back into the main. Dive plans for the club would go in the subforum and general dive plans in the main planning area. Dive reports handled the same way. I just don't see this coming up with a good answer when different goals are in view.

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