Restructuring Florida, Take Two...

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As I understand NetDoc's approach to the board, it is "let the board take whatever path it will."
Sure, within limits though.

Please see post #1.
El Orans:
Sure, within limits though.

Please see post #1.

Of course within limits, but in general, he seems to let democracy rule - right?
As an aside, while some are ripping the rag doll to shreds take a moment and think of all the people that have left here. Also, have a look at the roll call - even there u can see how many came and gave up - for everyone of those there is another who didn't bother putting their name down. Sure, outspoken people are always somehow going to dive. Just think of the others that have come here and decided to just forget it. w/o them this community will not grow to its potential.

And Bug, I would ask you stop attributing things to me you know nothing about.
As an aside, while some are ripping the rag doll to shreds take a moment and think of all the people that have left here. Also, have a look at the roll call - even there u can see how many came and gave up - for everyone of those there is another who didn't bother putting their name down. Sure, outspoken people are always somehow going to dive. Just think of the others that have come here and decided to just forget it. w/o them this community will not grow to its potential.

And Bug, I would ask you stop attributing things to me you know nothing about.
Saying that folks are no longer here because of how the Conchs are split up is a stretch at best. People have lives, people come and go. It is not exclusive to the Conchs nor can be attributed to the division alone.
Saying that folks are no longer here because of how the Conchs are split up is a stretch at best. People have lives, people come and go. It is not exclusive to the Conchs nor can be attributed to the division alone.

Actually, I have spoken to a few folks who stopped posting in the Conch forum and have gone to basically reading only because of the first split. This was a few weeks ago while at the dive shop. I feel a bit like a liar now because I told them then that things had settled down and the regions were figuring out what went where on their own..
I have to agree with what Jenny says; I belong to and have belonged to a variety of online communities and I see people come and go as their lives change.

My main complaint about how it is set up now is that I have too many places to click to read my interests. Before I only had two places to check: Conchs and South Florida. Now I have Conchs, South Florida, then another South Florida. It seems weird to see Tampa under South Florida because I surely don't consider it to be South!

One more thing, just from a librarian's standpoint, instead of calling it "Trips and Local Marketplace...South Florida" it should be "South Florida...Trips and Local Marketplace".
Saying that folks are no longer here because of how the Conchs are split up is a stretch at best. People have lives, people come and go. It is not exclusive to the Conchs nor can be attributed to the division alone.

I disagree Jenny. I help people all the time. Many leave as they feel left out or uncomfortable. Sadly, many think we are a mess. And yet others can't find the info they need. Of course, you have those that leave, as you said, just because. As CB stated, u also have those that don't even bother posting or getting involved - they just read.
My main complaint about how it is set up now is that I have too many places to click to read my interests. Before I only had two places to check: Conchs and South Florida. Now I have Conchs, South Florida, then another South Florida. It seems weird to see Tampa under South Florida because I surely don't consider it to be South!

I check one - "New Posts"
Here's the structure template once more.

1 Florida Conch Divers
2 --Trips and Local Marketplace... Florida Conch Divers (with trader ratings)
3 --Calendar

4 --Subforums A, B, C...
5 ----Trips and Local Marketplace... A, B, C... (with trader ratings)
6 ----Calendar A, B, C...

7 --Club forums 1, 2, 3...
8 ----Calendar 1, 2, 3...

1 is mandatory, 2-8 are optional.

The number of club forums is not limited but must be motivated properly (FAQ).

The creation of a subforum is not a given, it will need to be approved by the SB Staff.

Don't forget to read the FAQ.
One more thing, just from a librarian's standpoint, instead of calling it "Trips and Local Marketplace...South Florida" it should be "South Florida...Trips and Local Marketplace".

That would require changing a few dozen forums.
It's not going to happen.

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