Restructuring Florida, Take Two...

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El Orans:
Here's the structure template once more.

1 Florida Conch Divers
2 --Trips and Local Marketplace... Florida Conch Divers (with trader ratings)
3 --Calendar

4 --Subforums A, B, C...
5 ----Trips and Local Marketplace... A, B, C... (with trader ratings)
6 ----Calendar A, B, C...

7 --Club forums 1, 2, 3...
8 ----Calendar 1, 2, 3...

1 is mandatory, 2-8 are optional.

The number of club forums is not limited but must be motivated properly (FAQ).

The creation of a subforum is not a given, it will need to be approved by the SB Staff.

Don't forget to read the FAQ.

Once again, I don't understand this. Please explain what you mean.
I check one - "New Posts"
EEK, I don't want the new posts, I just want to peek into the forums I le difference.
El Orans:

That would require changing a few dozen forums.
It's not going to happen.

HUH?? The other "South Florida" forum starts with the area, why are they not consistent?

Says the librarian who loves things to be in their proper order...
HUH?? The other "South Florida" forum starts with the area, why are they not consistent?
This should give you an idea...

Says the librarian who loves things to be in their proper order...
Says the administrator who has worked in a library for five years (part-time)... :)
Florida Conch Divers
--Classifieds (with trader ratings)

--Cave & Cavern (as an 'open' subfourm if there's support/interest)

A few good Stickies (3-5) for FAQ and let the rest ride

I don't envy the person that would have to sort the threads into NE,SE,NW,SW,Keys,PH,Springs... and suspect there may be a lot of fuss when threads do or don't get moved. I'd also like to see a 'waiting period' before forum structure is changed (and maybe a nice warning and discussion of proposed changes like this one)
El Orans:
Here's the structure template once more.

1 Florida Conch Divers
2 --Trips and Local Marketplace... Florida Conch Divers (with trader ratings)
3 --Calendar

4 --Subforums A, B, C...
5 ----Trips and Local Marketplace... A, B, C... (with trader ratings)
6 ----Calendar A, B, C...

7 --Club forums 1, 2, 3...
8 ----Calendar 1, 2, 3...

1 is mandatory, 2-8 are optional.

The number of club forums is not limited but must be motivated properly (FAQ).

The creation of a subforum is not a given, it will need to be approved by the SB Staff.

Don't forget to read the FAQ.

Once again, I don't understand this. Please explain what you mean.
The main forum (#1) is mandatory. A Trips and Marketplace forum (2) and a Calendar (3) are optional.

Also optionally, it will hold upto X subforums, dedicated to a specific region (4). A Trips and Marketplace forum (5) and a Calendar (6) are optional.These subforums can be suggested by members or deemed necessary by SB Staff. Regardless of their origin, final say on their creation rests with SB Staff.

Also optionally, it will hold upto Z club forums (7), requested by at least a dozen members. These club forums may include a Calendar (8).

Does this help?
El Orans:
Does this help?

Maybe, would this comply?

Florida - Main Forum
- Calendar

- Panhandle
- Big Bend to St. Petersburg
- Southwest Florida
- Florida Keys
- Southeast Florida
- Northeast Florida
- Florida Springs
Maybe, would this comply?

Florida - Main Forum
- Calendar

- Panhandle
- Big Bend to St. Petersburg
- Southwest Florida
- Florida Keys
- Southeast Florida
- Northeast Florida
- Florida Springs / Caves

I like that... with the addition of "caves" to the springs section?
El Orans:
This should give you an idea...

Says the administrator who has worked in a library for five years (part-time)... :)

Interesting to see that the page you linked to shows the geographic location as the first part of the file name...

Just like I said... :crafty:

And working in a library (part-time) doesn't make you a librarian! :mooner:

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